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 Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)

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Lady Kestrel
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 5:59 pm

'Off-topic' conversation can be okay in moderation but, like a good single malt whisky, too much can sometimes give the imbiber (or, in this case, the 'off-topic -er' lol!), a headache as well as those unfortunate enough to be around when it 'consistently' happens. Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 561311

Sometimes I think we almost have a need to start a new thread for the gone-off-topic-ON-topic if you know what I mean!!! Aaaaargh!!! Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 632275

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 6:02 pm

"wet noodle" ! Hmmm ! ................ Sounds rather kinky!

Sorry ! I strayed. What a Face
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 6:07 pm

NOW then!

Out of those of you Pointers that haven't said already, what have you all had for Christmas in the way of games, game books (or game promises) ? Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 401808 Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 401808 Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 401808

I had no games, other than a few I snagged for myself via eBay in December, but I continued my (our), marathon playing of 'The Whispered World'. An excellent and long game.

I recommend it.

I also had the flu .............. but that's another story. Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 180990
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Speculative Fortune-Hunter

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 6:37 pm

lol! Does Angry Birds count, Gelert?
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 9:26 pm

I got two monitors for Christmas. A 19 inch Acer and 22 inch widescreen. Smile

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Speculative Fortune-Hunter

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 9:46 pm

Nice, hatsheput! Are they for two separate computers?
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 9:59 pm

Of course Angry Birds counts.

Skinflint Draclvr! LOL! Very Happy
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 10:01 pm

Hi Drac yes they are going to be for two seperate computers Smile


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Speculative Fortune-Hunter

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 10:10 pm

I sort of blew my budget on a Kindle Fire! Absolutely love, love, love it. All I had left was $.99 for Angry Birds!

Wow - a new monitor for both computers. Nice!
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 10:25 pm

A Kindle Fire Very nice Very Happy My sister got one for Christmas. She really likes hers.

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 EmptySun Jan 01, 2012 12:05 am

Draclvr wrote:
I sort of blew my budget on a Kindle Fire! Absolutely love, love, love it. All I had left was $.99 for Angry Birds!

Same here, same here, Drac. When I bought these games in early Dec. 2011, I had less in the bank than you, Drac - I only had $.10, & the Queen and I were talking about overdraft charges!

But what I call a "bank miracle" saved the day (no kidding)!

Am I staying on topic?
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 EmptySun Jan 01, 2012 12:07 am

just about . . . . Wink
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 EmptySun Jan 01, 2012 12:15 am

Drac what all does your Kindle do ? Do you have a picture we can see ?

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Speculative Fortune-Hunter

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 EmptySun Jan 01, 2012 1:43 am

Of course, I can read all my Kindle books. I've been using the free Kindle for PC to read on for some time. The Fire is WiFi, so you need to have wireless internet, but that's what I already have so all I did was sign in. Now I can go anywhere on the internet. I downloaded a bunch of free apps like The Weather Channel and of course, I paid my $.99 for Angry Birds! I put the St. Louis newspaper as one of the favorites, so hubby can get his newspaper fix if it doesn't get delivered.

If you have a subscription to Amazon Prime (which I do for the free 2 day shipping), you have unlimited cloud storage for music and documents etc. Prime has 10,000 free movies which I can stream or I can "rent" one. The streaming is flawless, which amazed me. If you don't have Amazon Prime, you still get quite a bit of free cloud storage. I buy all my on-line music downloads from Amazon because the majority of it is DRM free, so all that is in my Amazon Cloud account and I can access it from anywhere.

It's not a computer and isn't meant to be - it's a media consumption device. I'd like to be a little more mobile, but I really didn't want to spend $600 for a laptop or an IPad. So this $199 device is the perfect tablet for me. You can check out more about it here and see lots of pictures... Kindle Fire I have Adventure Point set as one of my Favorites and one touch takes me right here!
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 EmptySun Jan 01, 2012 2:55 am

Thanks Drac. The Kindle Fire certainly sounds enticing. I really like the looks of it and the all those books and music. The price is definitely right. Smile I'm assuming with the measurements it's about the size of a netbook ?

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 EmptySun Jan 01, 2012 3:37 am

Drac, I'm sorry that you ran into all those problems when setting up the super computer with your grandson. At least it was a great bonding moment, plus you no doubt showed him about managing frustration when running into crazy PC issues, heh. So happy to hear that 99% of the issues are fixed now. Do you make house calls? My Vista PC is getting more and more cranky each month. santa

I haven't bought a boxed game in a while, but I've done some online shopping at bigfish, steam, and gamersgate during their sales. Just today I caved and bought L.A. Noire complete from Steam for $12 I think. That was the biggest splurge though for me this holiday. I busted my overall holiday budget with gifts I bought for my mom and sis, plus a few things for me heh. My mom's TV was going bad (old picture tube), so I got her a nice shiny LED to enjoy plus a Panasonic blu-ray player that can stream from Netflix/Amazon/Hulu and more, so I think she's happy about the new setup. My sister liked it so much that she asked me to buy her a similar blu-ray plus router so that she can setup up her apartment in New York to do the same. While I was buying all this stuff (and thinking about the credit card billing statment that would be arriving), I also picked up a new PC monitor for me, a 23" LED that I'm really enjoying plus a Roku LT media streamer for my bedroom, since I only have a basic DVD player that can't go online. The Roku works great for me though and streams no problem. My television is only 720p resolution anyway, so the fact the Roku LT doesn't do 1080p isn't a big deal for me.

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 EmptyFri May 31, 2013 5:11 pm

Draclvr wrote:
So far my Superclocked EVGA GTX 660Ti hasn't missed a beat - even on full settings with about a gazillion monsters coming at me from all sides... gotta love the 4-chamber shotgun!

Ha ha ! Sounds like a fun game . There is a game out called Rage . One I'd like to check out . My card should be able to handle both mentioned without a lot of trouble , or getting too hot .
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 40 Empty

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