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 Testament of Sherlock Holmes - Exclusive!

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Testament of Sherlock Holmes - Exclusive! Empty
PostSubject: Testament of Sherlock Holmes - Exclusive!   Testament of Sherlock Holmes - Exclusive! EmptyWed Mar 17, 2010 4:57 pm

I've received confirmation today, from a very distinguished source at Frogwares Game Development Studio, that a new Sherlock Holmes Adventure is planned to be released at the end of the year.

That Adventure will be entitled 'Testament of Sherlock Holmes', and it will be a full, 3D Adventure game. More information coming soon!

Frogwares have been busy lately and have just released their new Casual game, 'Secret Mission - The Forgotten Island', which can be purchased here; Frogwares

They are also working on a new casual game entitled 'Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles', and this will be released soon.

Also, a new Sherlock Holmes Adventure for Nintendo DS is on its way very soon.

All can be purchased, either now, or when available, by following the Frogwares link here; Frogwares
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