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 J.U.L.I.A. In Development

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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J.U.L.I.A.  In Development Empty
PostSubject: J.U.L.I.A. In Development   J.U.L.I.A.  In Development EmptyWed Aug 25, 2010 10:43 pm

J.U.L.A. in development from independent developers Cardboard Box Entertainment.

From the depths of Space flies J.U.L.I.A., a logical video game built upon the story of Rachel Manners, a 35 year old astrobiologist, who was among a close group of scientists chosen to embark upon one of the most critical mission ever conceived on Earth.

" Imagine how you would feel if you were jolted out of a cryogenic sleep by an emergency alarm.
As your surroundings come into focus, you recognize the huge space probe on which you find yourself but only vaguely recollect the reason why you are there. Disoriented you rush into the control room and realize that you have been asleep for several decades already. As the probe's A.I. fills you in, you discover that you are the last surviving member of the entire crew with no ordinary mission : to encounter extraterrestrial sentient life - forms. Yet something went terribly wrong..."

Step into the spacesuit of Rachel Manners and find out why you were singled out of the whole expedition
Utilize an ingenious MOBOT - mobile robot suited for planetary exploration - to discover secrets and mysteries of the solar system far away from ours
Solve the mystery of the mission's failure
Travel to six unique planets and uncover their secrets
Solve puzzles, gather clues and communicate with the probe's temperamental artificial intelligence : Julia

Developed by independent Cardboard Box Entertainment

J.U.L.I.A. will be available in Q1/2011

Website with early information Here

Trailer found Here

J.U.L.I.A.  In Development Shot003

J.U.L.I.A.  In Development Shot002

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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J.U.L.I.A.  In Development Empty
PostSubject: Re: J.U.L.I.A. In Development   J.U.L.I.A.  In Development EmptyWed Aug 25, 2010 11:11 pm

Thanks Hats

Love the space theme but for now I will remain skeptical that this may have action, RPG elements or keyboard controls. Hope I am wrong as I am a sucker for first person Sci Fi. Maybe the developers will chime in and set me straight as it looks to be the same team the created Ghost in the Sheet, Jan Kavan and Lucas Medek. Also had this game been a secret up until now? Seems like a Q1 2011 is pretty ambitious for a newly announced game unless they have been secretly working on it for quite some time. Its also looks to be a download only unless enough people contact them that they would be interested in a Collectors Edition DVD which could include concept art, soundtrack and developers diary.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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J.U.L.I.A.  In Development Empty
PostSubject: Re: J.U.L.I.A. In Development   J.U.L.I.A.  In Development EmptyWed Aug 25, 2010 11:49 pm

GreyFuss you are welcome. I think this may be the game that was hinted at several years ago and then went silent. So far there is no information as to your concerns about action and RPG elements or keyboard control.

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J.U.L.I.A.  In Development Empty
PostSubject: Re: J.U.L.I.A. In Development   J.U.L.I.A.  In Development Empty

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