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 Screenshot Quiz #1

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PostSubject: Screenshot Quiz #1   Screenshot Quiz #1 EmptyThu Dec 10, 2009 8:44 pm

By Gelert on Sat Nov 7, 2009 at 4:05AM

Fancy your chances at a screenshot quiz? CLICK the LINK opposite (All you need is to have Excel on your PC) -------------------->
Reply here and let me know how you got on.
If you're stuck, you can always ask here too.
Quiz #1 isn't too tricky ........ I think! :-)
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PostSubject: Re: Screenshot Quiz #1   Screenshot Quiz #1 EmptyThu Dec 10, 2009 8:45 pm

By greyfuss on Sat Nov 7, 2009 at 4:07PM

Hi Gelert

Sounds like great fun but I can't open up the Quiz on my computer. I don't have Excel and when I try to convert it to Word it states that the file is Password protected. Any ideas?
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PostSubject: Re: Screenshot Quiz #1   Screenshot Quiz #1 EmptyThu Dec 10, 2009 8:45 pm

Hi greyfuss.
Oh drat! I'm sorry, but I've only just taught myself how to make a quiz such as this, and it's on Excel unfortunately. I just looked at how others had done their Excel based quizzes, and learned from them. I don't think I can do anything to help unfortunately. You'd have really liked it too. :-)
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PostSubject: Re: Screenshot Quiz #1   Screenshot Quiz #1 EmptyThu Dec 10, 2009 8:45 pm

By GreyFuss on Sat Nov 7, 2009 at 10:48PM

I did not know that they made an Excel Viewer that is free to download here .............How do I add a link?
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PostSubject: Re: Screenshot Quiz #1   Screenshot Quiz #1 EmptyThu Dec 10, 2009 8:46 pm

Do you mean add a link to your post here, like the link I've put under 'Gelert'? You just paste in the link address to the box marked URL, under Author*. Hope that helps. Not sure what else you mean.
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PostSubject: Re: Screenshot Quiz #1   Screenshot Quiz #1 EmptyThu Dec 10, 2009 8:46 pm

By GreyFuss on Sat Nov 7, 2009 at 11:39PM

Maybe I got it. Was trying to show a link for the Excel Viewer for anyone who doesn't have Excel. Its free and from Microsoft.
So I take it the little globe button is not for links.
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PostSubject: Re: Screenshot Quiz #1   Screenshot Quiz #1 EmptyThu Dec 10, 2009 8:47 pm

Hi GreyFuss. I mentioned the Excel Viewer you've linked to on Mystery Manor because Lady Kestrel is having problems too. As for the globe . . . . You're right. It's supposed to allow us to post links within posts, but I can never get it to work. The sooner I get a new forum setup here the better. I'm working on one at the moment, but it'll be finalised after I catch up on updating the website, which I've been doing for the last few weeks. Nothing visible yet. All hidden until complete. Thanks for posting the link. Gelert.
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PostSubject: Re: Screenshot Quiz #1   Screenshot Quiz #1 EmptyThu Dec 10, 2009 8:47 pm

By ladykestrel on Sun Nov 8, 2009 at 5:03AM

I can see all the screenshots in your puzzle just fine, Gelert, but I can only type in the answers to half of them. I'm still having fun with it anyway. It's nice to be the puzzle solver rather than the puzzle maker once in a while.
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PostSubject: Re: Screenshot Quiz #1   Screenshot Quiz #1 EmptyThu Dec 10, 2009 8:47 pm

I'm stuck to know what's wrong LadyK, especially if it's still happening after what I explained on Mystery Manor. It's a shame. I hope you get some fun from it at least, and it tells you if you're correct. As you said on MM, you can P.M. me if you like (or Email). No problem. :-)
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PostSubject: Re: Screenshot Quiz #1   Screenshot Quiz #1 EmptyThu Dec 10, 2009 8:48 pm

By GreyFuss on Sun Nov 8, 2009 at 2:26PM

A note about the Excel Viewer. It looks to me like you can not type in the answers unless I am doing something wrong. Then again it is just a Viewer GreyFuss...Duh
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PostSubject: Re: Screenshot Quiz #1   Screenshot Quiz #1 EmptyThu Dec 10, 2009 8:49 pm

By draclvr on Sun Nov 8, 2009 at 3:41PM

Greyfuss, Microsoft has Excel viewers (plus viewers for Power Point, Word, etc.). You can look at a file, but you cannot edit or make any changes to a file. Gelert's quiz opens up just fine for me in my Windows 7 with the Excel viewer. I'm going to try opening the quiz with my Open Office to see if it works there. You can find the Excel viewer here:
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PostSubject: Re: Screenshot Quiz #1   Screenshot Quiz #1 EmptyThu Dec 10, 2009 8:49 pm

By draclvr on Sun Nov 8, 2009 at 4:01PM

I just checked and yes, it will open with the Open Office spreadsheet. It opened in read-only mode, so maybe you would have to download it to your computer to open it up and be able to edit inside the spreadsheet.
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PostSubject: Re: Screenshot Quiz #1   Screenshot Quiz #1 EmptyThu Dec 10, 2009 8:50 pm

By GreyFuss on Mon Nov 9, 2009 at 2:01AM

Hey Gelert

If I guess all the games can I reach into your vault of rare adventure games and grab one? Weren't you telling me that you had to thin out all those games you have? Oh...maybe that was your wife who said that...sorry, my mistake. Does this mean I can't stick my hand in there?
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PostSubject: Re: Screenshot Quiz #1   Screenshot Quiz #1 EmptyThu Dec 10, 2009 8:50 pm

Tee-hee! Very funny Mr GreyFuss. You're right it was my wonderful wife and her dominant control she has over me - I quite like that! However, the core of my collection shall remain untouched until a very rainy day. She's promised me! As for you GreyFuss old buddy, I seem to remember you saying something about winding down, or even packing in the collecting altogether. But, I've noticed that, on at least one forum, you've been very busy hunting down elusive rarities. Any success me old bean? If you find a cracker such as Treasure Hunter it'll be me that bites your hand off to get into your collection! :-) :-) I did find one of my long searched for specials recently though. I found a nice little boxed The Blobjob. Have you heard of it? The box is cool, but very heavy cardboardy. Well, c'mon! Spill the beans. Have you got the collecting bug again? :-D
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PostSubject: Re: Screenshot Quiz #1   Screenshot Quiz #1 EmptyThu Dec 10, 2009 8:50 pm

By GreyFuss on Mon Nov 9, 2009 at 9:59PM

I am afraid not my friend. My list of adventure games that I want to play has dwindled down to what yuou saw over there. If I do manage to snag any of them I turn around and sell them when I have finished with them. more collecting for me. In fact it has come down to not having any more adventure games to play that is why I asked you about Outcast in another thread and I am tired of replaying. Add to this, the fact that I am not interested in half of the new releases because some aren't my type are lame or too easy and my era of Adventure is winding down to a hand full of new releases every year. It was a great run and I have been privlidged to have gone through the adventure hey day...its been a blast.
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PostSubject: Re: Screenshot Quiz #1   Screenshot Quiz #1 EmptyThu Dec 10, 2009 8:50 pm

But, surely, GreyFuss, like me you can't have played every one of the oldies. Many weren't good, but there were so very many that I missed and am only now getting the chance to play. I, for instance, only played Sins of the Fathers for the first time this year. I've played some obscure ones, but I've, madly, not played some great ones.
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PostSubject: Re: Screenshot Quiz #1   Screenshot Quiz #1 EmptyThu Dec 10, 2009 8:51 pm

By GreyFuss on Tue Nov 10, 2009 at 3:33AM

You are right my friend, I have not played all the games. But there are a lot that I have no interest in. Nothing cartoony, not into so called comedy, nothing with Sam, Max, Larry, Quest, Monkey in the title so right there are a bunch. At current count I have completed 195 games and have started & tried but not finished another 145. A few of these I may give another go at but most of them I just couldn't get into for one reason or another. I have played many obscure games and some stinkers and I have research, researched and researched games for the last year using fine sites like yours in an effort to find any game that I would have a slim chance of liking but have I sadly think that I have come down to the wire.

On another note...Can you guess the game that the music is from at my web site using the link at the right. Its one of my all time favorites.
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PostSubject: Re: Screenshot Quiz #1   Screenshot Quiz #1 EmptyThu Dec 10, 2009 8:51 pm

I'm ashamed to say - but not that surprised - that I've no idea. I really like it though. It sounds like one of the Atlantis's or maybe an east European made game with soundtrack made to sound highly dramatic. Belief & Betrayal's is one of my recent favourites. I'll have a stab at Next Life, but it sounds sort of Mayan to me (??). I'll have a stab at Salammbo, although I don't think there's much music in that. Oaky .......... a very long shot ............... The Da Vinci Code? Not true Adventure, I know. On a separate note, any chance you can tell me what software you've used to get hold of your soundtracks? I use a free one, but it only gives a maximum of 70% of the original, and less by the time I've compressed and converted it to make it a smaller file.
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PostSubject: Re: Screenshot Quiz #1   Screenshot Quiz #1 EmptyThu Dec 10, 2009 8:52 pm

By greyfuss on Wed Nov 11, 2009 at 4:16PM

The tune is from Myst IV Revelations and it is actually cut short so I could fit it on my site as I have a limited amount of web space before they start charging. It is a great full length cut and a pretty good game also.

I am not sure what type of software you are refering to. The music on my site is just MP3 files is ther a program that allows you to make play music from an even smaller size than MP3? If you are refering to ripping music from the games that is a different story.
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PostSubject: Re: Screenshot Quiz #1   Screenshot Quiz #1 EmptyThu Dec 10, 2009 8:52 pm

I am not sure what type of software you are refering to. The music on my site is just MP3 files is ther a program that allows you to make play music from an even smaller size than MP3? If you are refering to ripping music from the games that is a different story.

--- greyfuss

I do like the Myst games, but I've only played around three quarters of Riven. That was years ago and, because I kept dipping into the guide that came with it (something I hate to do), I decided to put it one side until I could play it alone and with some serious patience and concentration. It's far too good a game to ruin with lots of hints.
Yes. The software I'm on about isn't anything you've probably come across. It's not for ripping music. It's purely for converting MP3 files to smaller non-MP3 ones that take up less space on my website. Because this is a Flash website I can get them converted to .swf files. These are smaller, but free versions of software, such as the Hootech software for converting MP3 to SWF always convert only around 70% of your original file. An enticement to make you buy. Some soundtracks exist as far simpler file formats, like .midi, .ogg, .wav, etc., but HAVE TO be converted to MP3 and THEN to .swf - it gets complicated when you have a website built in Flash. Each time you convert with just about every free version I've found you only get 60% to 70% return on the original. That's why some of the clips on some of my game pages are annoyingly short and, some, like the Atlantis 2 theme on the Home Page, cuts off just when it gets to a really nice bit. I just thought you might know of a good and, possibly free, or very cheap, converter. That's all. :-) I pay for my server space. :-( It's filling up fast.
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PostSubject: Re: Screenshot Quiz #1   Screenshot Quiz #1 EmptyThu Dec 10, 2009 8:52 pm

By hatshepsutt on Thu Nov 12, 2009 at 4:35AM

Really nice puzzle Gelert. I have found about half of the answers. I am enjoying the puzzle.

I like the music files.
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