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PostSubject: Yesterday   Yesterday EmptyFri Mar 02, 2012 10:07 pm

Yesterday, the new adventure game by Pendulo, celebrates today the opening of its official website with 3 never-before-seen screenshots! After leaving its mark in adventure gaming with its million-selling trilogy, Runaway and, more recently, The Next BIG Thing, Pendulo has given up comedy for once and is offering an original and dark thriller.

Discover on the newly opened website, all you want to know about Yesterday: much information about the game, its dark story, the characters, as well as the latest images! In order to celebrate this opening, we have the pleasure to share with players a series of 3 new screenshots, which you will find on the official website’s image gallery!

These beautiful screenshots will immerse players a bit more into the story of Henry White and Samuel Cooper, two of the three playable characters of Yesterday. Visit the official website now, and learn about Yesterday and its intriguing plot! Its rich story and numerous twists are certain to surprise players when the game releases in March 2012!

About Yesterday

After having left its mark in adventure gaming with its million-selling trilogy Runaway and more recently with The Next BIG Thing, Pendulo Studios will deliver early 2012 its newest adventure: Yesterday. Though the unique graphic style, trademark of the Spanish developer, has not been left behind, Pendulo has now given up comedy for once and is offering an original and dark thriller.

In New York City, beggars are disappearing one after another, only to be found burnt alive. Meanwhile, a Y-shaped scar forms in the palm of the hands of seemingly unrelated people. With the police and the media giving little attention to these events, Henry White, a young and rich heir dedicated to a charitable organization, and his friend Cooper, are the first to investigate these disappearances. They are two of the three playable characters in Yesterday, the third being none other than the enigmatic John Yesterday, who is dragged into this incredible story after his memory is completely wiped.

This is the starting point of the brand new adventure from Pendulo Studios. More will be unveiled in the coming months, without spoiling the deep scenario and its numerous turning points which are sure to surprise many players when the game releases in March 2012!

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