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 Thanks for welcome and the hints

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4 posters
Margaret M
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Margaret M

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Thanks for welcome and the hints Empty
PostSubject: Thanks for welcome and the hints   Thanks for welcome and the hints EmptyFri Apr 20, 2012 8:17 pm

Hi everyone, thank you for your welcome and attempts to help me with Rhem! Gelert - hello - I used to play with Yeesha and Catherine but now I've found myself in the mysterious Rhem 4, they're not around! But thanks anyway.
GreyFuss - I think I've tried every single combination of numbers, compass points and patterns on those blessed pads and number cabinets. What puzzles me even more is that I'm sure I read at the beginning of Rhem that Left is EAST and Right Is West, contrary to every other compass I've ever seen - do other gamers remember this at the start of Rhem 4? Or am I just dreaming/dumb... don't answer that. I will try again to reverse the patterns on East and West and see what happens. I've even been back into the Power Room to check my diagrams and those of gameboomers WT. MaGtRo and/or Dennis Lepine, are you out there? I'm getting a headache....
See ya.
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Thanks for welcome and the hints Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thanks for welcome and the hints   Thanks for welcome and the hints EmptyFri Apr 20, 2012 8:40 pm

Hi Margaret. Good luck in solving your little Rhem mystery and, if you going now to be lost in puzzly worlds, don't forget us, come back soon. You'll always be welcome. Smile) You know that. flower
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Thanks for welcome and the hints Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thanks for welcome and the hints   Thanks for welcome and the hints EmptyFri Apr 20, 2012 8:41 pm

Margaret M if you are still having trouble solving that puzzle Lady K has the solution and has offered to give it to you Smile

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Margaret M
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Margaret M

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PostSubject: Lady K's solution to my problem   Thanks for welcome and the hints EmptyFri Apr 20, 2012 8:54 pm

Hi Lady K - thank you. It's taken me a while to work out how to follow the postings. I'd love to have the solution - you can see from my posting how confused I am!
How will you let me know - by another posting?
Cheers. Maggie.
And thank you too Hapsheput. Oh dear, I've spelt it wrong, unforgivable. So sorry Hatshepsut.

Last edited by Margaret M on Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:58 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Sorry, forgot to thank moderator.)
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Thanks for welcome and the hints Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thanks for welcome and the hints   Thanks for welcome and the hints EmptyFri Apr 20, 2012 9:04 pm

Hi Maggie you are welcome. My guess would be that Lady K would post in your original Rhem thread using a spoiler tag. She usually doesn't stop by till later in the evening. I'm going to put your request for the solution over in your original Rhem thread also to make sure she sees it Smile

Spelling name wrong, that's ok don't worry about it, it's a hard name to spell and I've been known to spell it wrong myself Very Happy

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PostSubject: Re: Thanks for welcome and the hints   Thanks for welcome and the hints EmptyFri Apr 20, 2012 9:45 pm

Knut didn't take into account the many people that really don't know how to read a real compass. Don't confuse being able to read a North, South, East, West arrow with reading a real compass. When using a real compass the arrow will always point to magnetic North no matter which direction you are facing and not always will it point on the top. If for instance you are watching the sun rise in the East and are holding a compass in your hand, the magnetic arrow (white) will point to your left (figure B) indicating North is that way. Using only part of Knuts diagram you can see this. You do not need to see the letters (N_S_E_W) on the on the face of the compass if you know that the white arrow always point to the North. So, right (top) of the white arrow would be East

Thanks for welcome and the hints Compass_e2
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