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 Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague now in English!

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Swashbuckling Globetrotter

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Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague now in English! Empty
PostSubject: Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague now in English!   Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague now in English! EmptyMon May 14, 2012 9:42 pm

Well it's time for everybody to enjoy this game! A patch that makes the dutch and french version of the game fully playable in english (voices, subtitles, menues etc.) has been published! You can download it from the following link and also there is information from where to purchase the game. sunny Enjoy!

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague now in English! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague now in English!   Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague now in English! EmptyMon May 14, 2012 10:25 pm

Thanks tsampikos. That's excellent news. Smile
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Swashbuckling Globetrotter

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Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague now in English! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague now in English!   Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague now in English! EmptyMon May 14, 2012 10:28 pm

This is a game that I always wanted to play! I like such games with conspiracies and the like! Very Happy
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague now in English! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague now in English!   Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague now in English! EmptyTue May 15, 2012 3:47 am

Thanks tsampikos. I like the conspiracy games too Smile

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague now in English! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague now in English!   Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague now in English! EmptyWed May 16, 2012 9:36 pm

Thank you so much tsampikos. Very Happy I've been looking forward to playing this game for so long, since I absolutely love historical and detective games Smile
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague now in English! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague now in English!   Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague now in English! EmptySun Jun 03, 2012 2:39 am

I went ahead and ordered the game from .... still waiting for it to get shipped here. My first thoughts on this game were iffy, not sure I even wanted to play it. But since someone went to the trouble of creating an English language patch, I figure why not. I'm not good at all with music puzzles though so am glad there's a walkthrough to help me with those.
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Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague now in English! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague now in English!   Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague now in English! Empty

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