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 It Never Rains But....

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3 posters
StarLite Moon
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StarLite Moon

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It Never Rains But.... Empty
PostSubject: It Never Rains But....   It Never Rains But.... EmptyMon Jun 18, 2012 7:56 pm

It duties on us. Everyone person's worst nightmare is starting to happen to us. Hubby was out in the garage fixing the lawn mower when a neighbor that we've known for 15 years comes storming up the driveway and stops about a 1/2 inch away from my hubby's nose and asks him nasty and bug eyed, "what's you and your wife's problem with me." My hubby was shocked and said he didn't have a clue what he was talking about.

Apparently it had something to do with Halloween. He said something about me calling my hubby when he wanted to take pictures of our house and then he said that I said his name. We don't even know this guy's name. Then he starts threatening my hubby and tells him, "don't leave your property." So my hubby told him get the hell off the property or I'll kick your ass. Hubby told him we didn't have a problem with him and didn't know what he was talking about.

So hubby comes in and tells me about it. So we go over and knock on his door to see what's going on and he wouldn't answer the door. So I told him, you talk to us or you talk to the police. Still no answer, so we're waiting for the police to get here that was almost 2 hours ago. Then to top all that off, our AC just died. Wonderful! Now we've got to worry about some nutty neighbor who's off his meds coming after us.

Oh I forgot, this guy was arrested 3 times in one week a year or so ago. My hubby was talking to my other neighbor and apparently this guy threatened to kill his little puppy. The guy told him you touch any of my dogs and I'll bury a bullet in your head

The weird thing is, we've spoken to this guy since Halloween. I guess he went off his meds. I just wish the police would hurry and get here before something else happens. You always see these shows about the worst neighbors and you never think you would have one. Let's just hope this is just an isolated incident, because if he ever comes after me, I'm going to be making games from a women's prison. Well over and out from crazyville. I'll let you know later what the police say. I just hope we don't have to go to court. Shocked
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It Never Rains But.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It Never Rains But....   It Never Rains But.... EmptyTue Jun 19, 2012 2:30 am

That is really bizzare StarLite. I hope everything turns out ok

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StarLite Moon
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StarLite Moon

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It Never Rains But.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It Never Rains But....   It Never Rains But.... EmptyWed Jun 20, 2012 1:26 am

Hi Hats, well the fellow that the guy lives with came over last night to apologize and explain a few things to us. He was shocked when my hubby told him that the other guy threatened him. The guy keeps thinking that the neighbor's are talking about him. So apparently the guy went to his doctor today to see about his odd behavior. So far so good on the home front today, let's hope it stays that way for a long time sunny
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It Never Rains But.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It Never Rains But....   It Never Rains But.... EmptyWed Jun 20, 2012 6:49 am

I hope that your nieghbor was able to get some help from the dr. Hope everything continues to be ok.

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StarLite Moon
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It Never Rains But.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It Never Rains But....   It Never Rains But.... EmptyThu Jun 21, 2012 12:47 am

Well so far so good Hats, but I think we're surrounded by these guys. Yesterday when we were outside tending the tomatoes, some older fellow was coming down the street talking to himself and swearing, he looked me right in the eye. Geez I hope he was talking on one of those ear phones. Why do we attract these nut jobs, no wonder I don't want to leave the house Shocked
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It Never Rains But.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It Never Rains But....   It Never Rains But.... EmptyThu Jun 21, 2012 2:26 am

Hopefully there was a logical reason like he was talking on the phone

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StarLite Moon
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StarLite Moon

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It Never Rains But.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It Never Rains But....   It Never Rains But.... EmptyThu Jun 21, 2012 4:26 am

I hope so, I don't want this year coming up to me a year from now asking why I looked at him. It's been an awful week. A guy was supposed to come in today to give us an estimate on an AC, and didn't even bother showing up. My hubby called and asked where he was and he was at home in his pool, he forgot all about us. Thanks for letting us wait around all day for you. When stuff like that happens I look at it as something not needing to be. Hubby looked at the AC and it might just be a coil that needs to be replaced, which is about $40 instead of $2000. Now it's supposed to cool off all this month, so maybe it's just as well. Well it's getting late here and it's bedtime for me soon. So take care for now
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It Never Rains But.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It Never Rains But....   It Never Rains But.... EmptyThu Jun 21, 2012 5:14 am

These kind of things do seem to go in cycles.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's only a coil that needs to be replaced.

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StarLite Moon
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StarLite Moon

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It Never Rains But.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It Never Rains But....   It Never Rains But.... EmptyFri Jun 22, 2012 6:07 pm

Houston, we have touch down. Hubby went on YouTube yesterday and did some snooping around. He found a video on how to fix the AC and we've saved $5000. It just needed a new coil because the other was blown. It only cost us $28.00 to get the AC fixed as opposed to $400.00. I am sitting in AC heaven as we speak.

So far so good on the crazy neighbors front. I'm tired right now, I helped hubby clean the BBQ bricks and I am dead. I didn't want him to do it himself, poor thing's back is really bad. So she's all good and ready for our T-bone steak tonight. I just hope it doesn't rain. Wouldn't be the first time hubby BBQed in the rain. One time he BBQed in the winter because he had a craving for streak. We're going to try garlic bread on the 'Q' and see how that goes. I was going to go on the treadmill today but did enough helping hubby, my back is burning a bit. Well I'm off to see what mischief I can get into. Take care sunny
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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It Never Rains But.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It Never Rains But....   It Never Rains But.... EmptySun Jun 24, 2012 2:24 am

I am so glad you have tour ac fixed and at a much lower price Very Happy

I hope you enjoyed your steak Smile It Never Rains But.... 455702 How did the garlic bread turn out ?

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StarLite Moon
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StarLite Moon

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It Never Rains But.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It Never Rains But....   It Never Rains But.... EmptyMon Jun 25, 2012 4:08 pm

We have a beautiful windy cool day today Hats, we turned off the AC and have all the windows open. I love fresh air.

Well it's been a week and all quiet on the home front. I can't believe this happened a week ago. Where is the time going.

After hubby and I cleaned the BBQ we were too sore and tired so we got a pizza Laughing

We had the steak the next day and it was great. We didn't do the garlic bread. But I did some potatoes in the microwave for 5 minutes, buttered and spiced them then put them on the 'Q'. They were really good. Well I'm off to make the rounds. Take care for now sunny
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Daredevil Pioneer

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It Never Rains But.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It Never Rains But....   It Never Rains But.... EmptySun Jul 01, 2012 7:31 am

Unbalanced neighbors can never be a good thing....sorry to hear you've had your issues. Always good to keep your eye out for who or what is outside. I've always believed it's always safer to just stay indoors and play video games all day (or develop them in your case) What a Face
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StarLite Moon
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StarLite Moon

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It Never Rains But.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It Never Rains But....   It Never Rains But.... EmptySun Jul 01, 2012 4:17 pm

I'm mostly inside anyway so I don't deal with these nuts and he's very lucky I wasn't in the garage that day. Maybe lucky for me too. The thing that makes me mad is people who think WE'RE odd because we mind our own business. We talk to the neighbors we want to talk to and if a neighbor needs help even the ones we don't talk to, we're there to help out. My hubby hurt his back pushing a neighbor that got stuck in the snow, they didn't even bother to say thank you. They just went about talking to their friend like he wasn't even there. So I said to them, you're welcome and they even ignored me. So I told hubby, don't help these a**holes anymore. I don't want to be friends with neighbors. I don't want them in my house and I don't want to go in their houses. Why is that abnormal.

Twice now our neighbor beside us invited us over for a bbq with her whole family. I told her no, we don't feel comfortable doing that. I don't feel comfortable around strangers with this anxiety, I can't sit too long with my back injury, they all smoke and I'm allergic to tobacco, so for all involved I'd sooner stay away. I'm 56, I've had a lot of friends my life, and in that time I only had 2 friends who were good and didn't use me. This one friend I had since we were 4 years old, she came here for my wedding and tried to take my fiance from me because he was her type. So understand why the only friends I like having are the ones behind this screen.

Speaking of making games, I have to get back at that today. I have all the big scenes done, now I'm going room by room and seeing what props I need for those rooms and make them as I go. The small stuff seems to be harder to make than the big stuff. And trying to make older people is a nightmare. I can't wait to get this game finished, I'm so anxious to get cracking on the next one. The biggest nightmare is yet to arrive, I have to learn how to use a new game engine. I'm actually looking forward to that, I've already done the tutorial for the engine and I think I'll do alright. Well I'm off to see what mischief I can get into somewhere else. Take care everyone and don't let the nuts get ya sunny
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