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 Happy Thanksgiving

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2 posters
StarLite Moon
Daredevil Pioneer
StarLite Moon

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Age : 69
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Happy Thanksgiving Empty
PostSubject: Happy Thanksgiving   Happy Thanksgiving EmptyThu Nov 22, 2012 4:31 pm

Just wanted to stop by and wish everyone celebrating a very Happy Thanksgiving. What's on the menu today. I'll pass on the Turducken if you don't mind. How about dessert. What are you thankful for today. I'm thankful for my wonderful husband who has stood by me through thick and thicker. Hope you enjoy your day with family and friends sunny

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Happy Thanksgiving Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Thanksgiving   Happy Thanksgiving EmptyThu Nov 22, 2012 6:25 pm

Good point, StarLite!

I'm thankful for Mom, I'm thankful for the fact that she now is starting to give me rides to/from both coffeeshops (Barnes & Noble and Panera Bread) in our area since I'm starting to do chores around the house for her.

I'm thankful for the Saturday Bible study sessions with my Bible study teacher, my local friends, I'm thankful for all the PC games and DVD movies I have in my collection, I'm thankful that its possible for Mom to keep her house, car, and drive even after King AlienBZ left for the Great Price is Right Game in the heavens.

What are you thankful for, Pointers?

Happy Thanksgiving.

I'm stuffed! And I believe I'm going to keep stuffing myself today. How about you guys?

EDIT - Just finished the remains on my plate - now I'm really stuffed!
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Happy Thanksgiving Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Thanksgiving   Happy Thanksgiving EmptyFri Nov 23, 2012 12:31 am

Lounging around in front of TV in our PJ's at this hour.
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Happy Thanksgiving Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Thanksgiving   Happy Thanksgiving Empty

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