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 Website someday - help, please?

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Website someday - help, please? Empty
PostSubject: Website someday - help, please?   Website someday - help, please? EmptyTue Jan 01, 2013 2:39 am

Been reading this book, "Building Social Web Applications" by Gavin Bell, O'Reilly publications, so far from reading chapters 1 - 3, I believe I understand that creating/maintaining my own website brings up a number of questions, among which are key items (for want of a better way of putting this, perhaps):

The book in question is this:

Website someday - help, please? Eeeac8eece59_2m2jpsn

--what type of site do I want?

A: a message board;

--who's my audience?

A: users of Adobe/3D modeling/PC game creation/adventure gaming application/computers/networks, software,

--am I encouraging new social relationships or supporting existing ones?

A: supporting existing relationships.

--what types of social content will my site cater to?

A: Adventure/other gaming/creating movies/photos/graphic novels/computer/networking repair/upgrading/hardware and the discussion of these subjects,

(this is all I can think of at the moment, as I've read I need to keep my website small and simple when first starting out.)

I believe that there are some ISP's that allow for a free place on the web in which to host such a website, I shall have to ask our ISP sometime regarding this.

My website will allow for posting images/youtube videos/links

So considering all that I've mentioned, what website creation software is the best to use?

Is there any open-source website creation software available for free?

--will the site grow as time elapses?

A: Yes, I'll add more features as the site evolves.

This site will not be for some time down the road, I need to take a server class/website class at school in order to learn the basics, when the website is launched, I hope to invite all the members from the other message boards where I'm a member to join my new website (note) I'm not trying to advertise, this is only another hobby.

To tell the truth, I know next to nothing (except what little I read in that book at this point) about keeping a website/message board, thus I'm asking about exactly what's involved, getting people to volunteer as the mods (I'll be the admin), my responsibilities, etc,

Any (and all) input will be appreciated in response to my questions pertaining to this website of mine (especially as I understand the need to plan, plan & plan/do my homework beforehand).

from the bit of reading over at Computer Hope/googling I've discovered that message board/forum software is called php script.

Many thanks in advance.
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