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 Finished Moving For Awhile

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2 posters
StarLite Moon
Daredevil Pioneer
StarLite Moon

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Finished Moving For Awhile Empty
PostSubject: Finished Moving For Awhile   Finished Moving For Awhile EmptyWed Aug 07, 2013 6:46 pm

Well hubby and I spent the day Monday moving the computer room around. We're turning into minimalists and getting rid of a lot of clutter. What a difference the upstairs looks now and for the better. It all started when I wanted to move my computer out of my bedroom. I was getting so sick of being boxed in and that's just what I felt like, I only had enough room to get out of bed and leave the room, so hubby helped me move my computer into the computer room. We started having trouble with our modem so hubby got the idea of moving my computer desk across the room where the modem is plugged in because mine is a newer computer. I can't believe the speed we're getting now.

We were both so dead afterwards, both our backs burning and aching but we had to get it finished, then to top all that off we had to make dinner. After my dinner nap, I felt a bit better but the next day I felt great because I took a Naproxen, now today, I feel like I've been hit by a truck. Could be because it rained today and it's dreary outside, I love the sun, could be the Leo in me.

Hubby bought a new bird feeder, this thing is unbelievable. It has 12 slots and when you fill it it weights about 8lbs. We're getting some weird looking birds I've never seen before. As soon as I can get a decent video I'll post it. Well I'm off to see what kind of trouble I can get myself into. I hope everyone has a wonderful day sunny 
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Finished Moving For Awhile Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finished Moving For Awhile   Finished Moving For Awhile EmptyThu Aug 08, 2013 4:36 am

Hi StarLite

It is so nice to have a computer room isn't it.

Birds are just fascinating aren't they ?

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StarLite Moon
Daredevil Pioneer
StarLite Moon

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Finished Moving For Awhile Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finished Moving For Awhile   Finished Moving For Awhile EmptyFri Aug 16, 2013 3:08 pm

Good morning Hats, how are you today. The whole upstairs looks terrific since we got into the minimalist mood. Funny thing, hubby bought a new bagless vacuum cleaner with a Hepa filter in it, ever since we've been using it my allergies are worse. You wouldn't believe the amount of dust we get out of our carpets. As soon as we get our debts paid we're going to save to get the house fixed up, we're going to get rid of all the carpet and put wood floors in.

Well we had to take the bird feeder down unfortunately, we were starting to get mice in the house. I knew it too, that's why I don't like putting seed out in the summer. It never fails you know. There was a Cardinal feeding it's baby right outside the door. I managed to get the camera, get it all set up, zoomed in nice, beautiful picture when I seen a message, "no more room on card". I just wanted to pull my hair out especially since most of the stuff on the card was garbage.

I'm off to do some more work on my game while I can. My back is bad today and I'm hoping to make it to the treadmill if even for 10 minutes. Take care for now and I hope everyone has a wonderful day sunny 
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