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 Flight of the Amazon Queen

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Flight of the Amazon Queen Empty
PostSubject: Flight of the Amazon Queen   Flight of the Amazon Queen EmptyFri Sep 27, 2013 4:16 am

GOG  now has Flight of the Amazon Queen for free download.  Flight of the Amazon Queen is a very good  adventure  game. So if you never played it or just want to play it again you can find it at GOG  here Flight of the Amazon Queen

Enjoy Smile 

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Flight of the Amazon Queen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flight of the Amazon Queen   Flight of the Amazon Queen EmptySat Sep 28, 2013 8:11 pm

I have really great memories of playing Flight of the Amazon Queen years ago. It was one of the free games at another gamers forum and came with a walkthrough, which I downloaded at the same time. I enjoyed the game so much that I sent an email to the address on the walkthrough, thanking them for such a great game! As it turned out the email address was no longer valid, so the game was older than I realized at the time. Later I found out that the game was originally a commercial game that was eventually released as a freebie. How often does that happen?
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Flight of the Amazon Queen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flight of the Amazon Queen   Flight of the Amazon Queen EmptySat Sep 28, 2013 10:35 pm

I really enjoyed playing Flight of the Amazon Queen too. It's still one of my favorites.

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Flight of the Amazon Queen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flight of the Amazon Queen   Flight of the Amazon Queen EmptySat Sep 28, 2013 11:36 pm

Got my copy yesterday .
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Flight of the Amazon Queen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flight of the Amazon Queen   Flight of the Amazon Queen EmptySun Sep 29, 2013 1:09 am

Really good that this is on GOG. Coz it's notoriously hard to get to run. I love my boxes but modern day ways of playing games sure do have their advantages ! ...... GOD !!! I sound old !!!!! ............................. hang on ! ...... I am. Wink
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Daredevil Pioneer

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PostSubject: Re: Flight of the Amazon Queen   Flight of the Amazon Queen EmptySun Sep 29, 2013 8:14 am

I hear ya Gelert. Before this was a game that needed you to allocate a lot of memory in the config.sys file I think to actually run in DOS. I know many people have had an easy time playing it using ScummVM. It has been a freeware release at that site for a while now along with a few other games like Drascula. I haven't tried the GOG version, but I assume they already have a working Dosbox wrapper for it. I like GOG a lot also and try to give them my business when I can.
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Lady Kestrel
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Lady Kestrel

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PostSubject: Re: Flight of the Amazon Queen   Flight of the Amazon Queen EmptySun Sep 29, 2013 8:21 pm

Gelert wrote:
Really good that this is on GOG. Coz it's notoriously hard to get to run. I love my boxes but modern day ways of playing games sure do have their advantages ! ...... GOD !!! I sound old !!!!! ............................. hang on ! ...... I am. Wink
Nah. You started playing computer games when you were 3 years old, didn't you?

I see that Flight of the Amazon Queen is also for Macs. It's one I definitely want to play.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Flight of the Amazon Queen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flight of the Amazon Queen   Flight of the Amazon Queen EmptyMon Sep 30, 2013 12:03 am

Lady Kestrel wrote:
Gelert wrote:
Really good that this is on GOG. Coz it's notoriously hard to get to run. I love my boxes but modern day ways of playing games sure do have their advantages ! ...... GOD !!! I sound old !!!!! ............................. hang on ! ...... I am. Wink
Nah.  You started playing computer games when you were 3 years old, didn't you?

I see that Flight of the Amazon Queen is also for Macs.  It's one I definitely want to play.
Nope...... I was banned from playing them as a kid..... made up for it since though. Wink
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