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 How's Your Knees

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3 posters
StarLite Moon
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StarLite Moon

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How's Your Knees Empty
PostSubject: How's Your Knees   How's Your Knees EmptyWed Oct 01, 2014 9:38 pm

Mine are terrible and getting worse all the time. I don't bend forward because of my back so I bend my knees, but now every time I do they collapse on me and is very painful. So I found this knee exercise video today and tried it, WOW, what a difference. If anyone is interested in taking a look here's the link. Hope it helps you too flower

Knee Exercise
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How's Your Knees Empty
PostSubject: Re: How's Your Knees   How's Your Knees EmptyThu Oct 02, 2014 8:27 pm

Thanks StarLite, I hope the video will help others also.

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StarLite Moon
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StarLite Moon

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How's Your Knees Empty
PostSubject: Re: How's Your Knees   How's Your Knees EmptyFri Oct 03, 2014 12:52 am

It's a really good exercise, I noticed the difference when I first did it. The perils of getting old I guess sunny
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Daredevil Pioneer

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How's Your Knees Empty
PostSubject: Re: How's Your Knees   How's Your Knees EmptySun Oct 05, 2014 8:36 pm

I went to the exercise link and watched the video. That's not for me, no way, my knees almost started to hurt just watching her. I like to treat my knees in a much gentler manner. I use my fingers, not the edge of my hands. It's quicker too, since I can do both knees at the same time. I just use my fingers to rub, massage, and do whatever feels good at the time. Very relaxing and helps my hands to boot because the fingers get their share of exercise too. What could be better than that? And at 91 years I have no arthritis or any pain in either my knees or my hands. Although, I admit I'm not as limber as I used to be.
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StarLite Moon
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StarLite Moon

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How's Your Knees Empty
PostSubject: Re: How's Your Knees   How's Your Knees EmptyMon Oct 06, 2014 12:29 am

Wow, mindysue, 91 years young. We tried to get my mother-in-law into computers at 84 but she didn't want to try it. I'm glad something works for your knees, any kind of massage I guess helps circulation sunny
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Daredevil Pioneer

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How's Your Knees Empty
PostSubject: Re: How's Your Knees   How's Your Knees EmptyWed Oct 08, 2014 10:02 pm

Well, at 84 I wouldn't have gone near a computer. I was 56 when Tom bought his first computer (Radio Shack's TRS-80) back in January, 1980. Tom was working as an electronic technician back then, so he was used to working with all kinds of computers. It just came naturally to him to get one of the earliest home computers in our area. There were no graphics, everything was in text format, even adventure games. That didn't last long though as new things came along just about every day, boy, those were exciting times!
I remember the first time I used a mouse. My reaction was: This will never catch on.
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