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 How Does Your Bones Handle.....

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2 posters
StarLite Moon
Daredevil Pioneer
StarLite Moon

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How Does Your Bones Handle..... Empty
PostSubject: How Does Your Bones Handle.....   How Does Your Bones Handle..... EmptyTue Feb 16, 2016 3:15 pm

the cold. Hubby and I have noticed that since the cold weather has shown up that we are more sore than usual. Our joints and bones feel sore and no amount of rubbing helps, although a good hot bath sure does. I use Radox Muscle Relax or Eucalyptus bubble bath oil. I wish we could move to a warm country, preferably Arizona.

Well we finally got our second worst snow storm last night and it's still going. I have the day off the treadmill today so it's the old shovel for me. Hubby uses the blower on the driveway and I do the front deck and walkway with the shovel because the blower is too big for the walkway. It looks light so I should be good to go.

We usually keep it cool in the house but unfortunately no more of that. So how are your bones and are you feeling the cold sunny
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Daredevil Pioneer

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How Does Your Bones Handle..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: How Does Your Bones Handle.....   How Does Your Bones Handle..... EmptySun Feb 21, 2016 6:48 am

I for one like the cold a lot better than too much heat. I'd rather it be below freezing than over 100. Sadly, living in Southern California rarely gets below freezing but often gets over 100. I need to move.
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How Does Your Bones Handle.....
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