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 Space Geekz - The Crunchy Flakes Conspiracy [Kickstarter]

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Join date : 2016-09-06
Location : Lübeck, Germany

Space Geekz - The Crunchy Flakes Conspiracy [Kickstarter] Empty
PostSubject: Space Geekz - The Crunchy Flakes Conspiracy [Kickstarter]   Space Geekz - The Crunchy Flakes Conspiracy [Kickstarter] EmptyWed Sep 07, 2016 6:36 am

Hi Guys,

I am developer of an upcoming retro Point & Click Adventure and thought that would be something nice to share here:

Space Geekz - The Crunchy Flakes Conspiracy [Kickstarter] Kslog1

In Space Geekz - The Crunchy Flakes Conspiracy the player takes over the role of a low paid retro game trader Adrian, employee of the famous Space Geekz Corp. Together with his fellow friend Till, he delivers games and console throughout the galaxy. But one day, things went really mad: The freighter has crashed on an abandoned planned, Till is gone, the space ship is out of power, and there is something pink in the kitchen sink!

The game with the has collected 122% of it’s funding goal so far and can still be supported till September 18th. International backers receive the game on free microSD card. As usual on Kickstarter, there are also premium pledges and stretch goals announced.

You can support the game here:

best regards from Germany

Marcel from x86-games

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Space Geekz - The Crunchy Flakes Conspiracy [Kickstarter]
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