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 Prelude, a new and hilarious escape game

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Prelude, a new and hilarious escape game Empty
PostSubject: Prelude, a new and hilarious escape game   Prelude, a new and hilarious escape game EmptySat Mar 04, 2017 3:02 pm

Hi all, and welcome to Beached! (Prelude).

After releasing Beached! (part 1) successfully last December, a sequel was just a matter of time.
Beached! (Prelude) is a new teaser to Beached! (part 2), which will be released later this year.

After shipwrecking your yacht on a reef, you find yourself on a deserted beach somewhere in the Caribbean.
At first sight, there's nowhere you can go. Use your wit and common sense to escape anyway, without hurting yourself too much.
Prelude is an escape room game that was initially designed to merely test drive the new parser and interface.
But since we liked it so much, we decided to share it anyway.

Since the release of Part 1, the amount of feedback has been overwhelming.
You guys actually built this new game, since no feedback was laid aside.
The best improvement of all is Mr. Theodore "Ted" C. Lim. He joined me for Prelude and is responsible for both the editing and the storytelling.
He did a great job, guys! You'll notice while playing, I'm sure.

So, have fun and... WACKIYAHOOWHAA!  Laughing  (...don't worry, you'll get that one)
Ted and Ewald
Beached! portal

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Prelude, a new and hilarious escape game
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