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 R.I.P. Robert Krakoff

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Daredevil Pioneer

Posts : 840
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Join date : 2010-04-03
Age : 54
Location : I am..........everywhere !!!!!

R.I.P. Robert Krakoff Empty
PostSubject: R.I.P. Robert Krakoff   R.I.P. Robert Krakoff EmptySun May 01, 2022 2:36 am

For those of us who may have used Razer gear as part of their pc setup , I just wanted to pass along that Robert Karkoff , aka RazerGuy , passed 4 days ago .He was 82 .
Robert was a friend personally . This hurts , but , I'll get through it . As a memorial of sorts , I switched my keyboard , mouse , & mouse pad , to my BlackWidow X Chroma (keyboard) , Mamba Tournament Edition (mouse) , & Firefly (mouse pad) . Shame I can't use my Barracuda AC-1 sound card , without a motherboard & os swap .

R.I.P.  Robert . You're missed .

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