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 New at Interact - For the Wallace and Gromit Fans

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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New at Interact - For the Wallace and Gromit Fans Empty
PostSubject: New at Interact - For the Wallace and Gromit Fans   New at Interact - For the Wallace and Gromit Fans EmptyTue Feb 02, 2010 11:18 pm

For those of you who like TellTales Wallace & Gromits games, Interact now has in stock WALLACE & GROMIT'S GRAND ADVENTURES (4 GAMES) Get it from Interact Here

Quote :
Complete your Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures experience with the collector's DVD! The DVD contains all four episodes ready to be played, plus it's chock full of extra goodies:

Collector's DVD includes:

Includes all four Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures game episodes on disc
Ten animated Wallace & Gromit Cracking Contraptions shorts from Aardman Animations
Peek behind the scenes of the game development in making of videos
Media galleries, including concept art, screenshots and game trailers
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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New at Interact - For the Wallace and Gromit Fans Empty
PostSubject: Re: New at Interact - For the Wallace and Gromit Fans   New at Interact - For the Wallace and Gromit Fans EmptyWed Feb 03, 2010 12:28 am

GreyFuss wrote:
For those of you who like TellTales Wallace & Gromits games, Interact now has in stock WALLACE & GROMIT'S GRAND ADVENTURES (4 GAMES) Get it from Interact Here

Or, better still, by clicking on the Interact banner on the Home page of course. Laughing
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Join date : 2009-12-13

New at Interact - For the Wallace and Gromit Fans Empty
PostSubject: Re: New at Interact - For the Wallace and Gromit Fans   New at Interact - For the Wallace and Gromit Fans EmptyWed Feb 03, 2010 7:31 am

Thank you GreyFuss. Very nice for the Wallace and Gromit fans.

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New at Interact - For the Wallace and Gromit Fans Empty
PostSubject: Re: New at Interact - For the Wallace and Gromit Fans   New at Interact - For the Wallace and Gromit Fans Empty

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New at Interact - For the Wallace and Gromit Fans
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