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 Microsoft Cancels Alan Wake

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Microsoft Cancels Alan Wake Empty
PostSubject: Microsoft Cancels Alan Wake   Microsoft Cancels Alan Wake EmptyMon Feb 15, 2010 4:41 am

Microsoft confirmed that it has canceled the psychological thriller Alan Wake for PC. The Game when it releases will be an exclusive X Box 360 release.

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Microsoft Cancels Alan Wake Empty
PostSubject: Re: Microsoft Cancels Alan Wake   Microsoft Cancels Alan Wake EmptyMon Feb 15, 2010 1:41 pm

I'm really disappointed. I was excited when I saw the very first video about the making of this. So much that, at the time, I was considering it as an excellent excuse for getting a faster, better P.C.. Drat! 😢
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Microsoft Cancels Alan Wake Empty
PostSubject: Re: Microsoft Cancels Alan Wake   Microsoft Cancels Alan Wake EmptyMon Feb 15, 2010 2:44 pm

I must be out of the loop because I have never heard of this game. Maybe its better this way as I am not disappointed then. Cool
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Microsoft Cancels Alan Wake Empty
PostSubject: Re: Microsoft Cancels Alan Wake   Microsoft Cancels Alan Wake EmptyMon Feb 15, 2010 2:50 pm

Here it is.
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Microsoft Cancels Alan Wake Empty
PostSubject: Re: Microsoft Cancels Alan Wake   Microsoft Cancels Alan Wake EmptyMon Feb 15, 2010 2:52 pm


Not much sense in me reading it now since I don't have nor will I ever have an XBox but thanks anyway Laughing
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Microsoft Cancels Alan Wake Empty
PostSubject: Re: Microsoft Cancels Alan Wake   Microsoft Cancels Alan Wake EmptyMon Feb 15, 2010 3:03 pm

You asked about action-adventures previously so, if you liked Max Payne, I think the gameplay of this reminds me a little of that. I may be wrong, but it's by the same company. So, it makes sense.

If you haven't played Max Payne, and you still want to play an action-adventure, I strongly recommend it. GreyFuss. Max Payne is on PC - as is it's sequel. A third is in the works. Smile

Edit: Who's to say that, if successful, Alan Wake won't come to PC eventually?. I do know it's a very power-demanding game though.
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Microsoft Cancels Alan Wake Empty
PostSubject: Re: Microsoft Cancels Alan Wake   Microsoft Cancels Alan Wake EmptyMon Feb 15, 2010 3:28 pm

Gelert many pc gamers share your disappointment about Alan Wake. It is a feeling among some that Microsoft made this move in an effort to bolster thier weak lineup of XBox 360 games. Remedy who was working on Alan Wake for PC had almost finished the game when it was canceled. One could hope that at some point in the future they will finish the PC version and release it. It will be a very power demanding game Smile

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