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 Alter Ego to Release

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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PostSubject: Alter Ego to Release   Alter Ego to Release EmptyWed Mar 17, 2010 5:15 am

Alter Ego has a confirmed European release date of March 26 2010
North American release date: August 1 2010

Alter Ego takes virtual gamers to the town of Plymouth in the South of England as the 19th century draws to a close. A series of gruesome murders shakes both the town and the entire region after a strange aristocrat dies who was the subject of many horrifying myths in his lifetime. Players can discover and investigate the various scenes as they alternate between two totally different heroes, the thief Timothy Moor and Police Detective Bristol, to slowly reveal a dark secret.

Original dark point & click adventure
Developed by some of the makers of Black Mirror
Exciting detective story with a horror plot
Top notch cinematic cutscenes
2 playable characters
30 NPC characters
80 game locations
150 pickable items

Box Art

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