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 Get Lamp - the IF documentary

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Get Lamp - the IF documentary Empty
PostSubject: Get Lamp - the IF documentary   Get Lamp - the IF documentary EmptyMon Mar 22, 2010 12:26 pm

In case it has slipped below the radar of any IF afficionady.... the documentary on the history of the text adventure (a.k.a. IF), Get Lamp, which has been long in the works, is getting ready to ship. It features a whole bunch of adventure luminaries (including several of the Infocom people and Andrew Plotkin, to name but a few) and all sorts of nifty extras. The packaging looks pretty sweet, too Smile

I'm not associated with the project in any way, but for fans of the genre it's certainly got potential!
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Get Lamp - the IF documentary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get Lamp - the IF documentary   Get Lamp - the IF documentary EmptyMon Mar 22, 2010 7:42 pm

Thanks for the heads up Gunness. I've been watching this on and off, but had completely forgotten about it until recently to tell you the truth.

I've preordered my copy, and I can't wait for it to drop through my letter box. cheers

Woo-hoo! Something fantastic to look forward to. I can't wait. cheers cheers Gelert. Wink
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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Get Lamp - the IF documentary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get Lamp - the IF documentary   Get Lamp - the IF documentary EmptyTue Mar 23, 2010 3:01 pm

Yeah, it's going to be a real treat. The lineup is really impressive. I do think it's kind of a missed opportunity to leave out all non-American writers, but I understand the practical obstacles of including those. Perhaps some day we'll get a sequel with the Level 9 chaps and the Magnetic Scrolls team Smile
In the meantime, I'll just be happy with what I can get Get Lamp - the IF documentary 372369
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