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 Tears of Betrayal - No longer for sale

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Tears of Betrayal - No longer for sale Empty
PostSubject: Tears of Betrayal - No longer for sale   Tears of Betrayal - No longer for sale EmptyWed Mar 31, 2010 3:16 pm

Mint condition, new and unopened. More than one for sale.

Tears of Betrayal

$9.90 (£6.41)


Very cheap postage to most countries.

Game trade considered.

I'm putting them up for sale here, and on GameTZ, at;

Untracked worldwide shipping U.S. $4 (£2.64). PayPal please.

( £2.00 for shipping within the UK).

Post here, or private message me (mp at the bottom of this message), if you want one, and we can do the deal.


I've checked prices on other websites, and they seem to be asking U.S. $19 plus for these, with around U.S. $4 shipping to the U.S. and Canada, and around U.S. $8 to elsewhere.

Here's some blurb (courtesy of );

A tragic accident separates James from his wife Roxanne on the day before their 5th anniversary. Roxanne gets hit by a car while crossing the street near their apartment. While fighting for her life in the Intensive Care Unit, she appears before him in a dream suggesting that the accident was intentional. Why was she targeted? Will she survive? How can James find out the truth? Will the fortune teller be able to help him? One thing's for sure: he won't be playing his card game on Friday... or will he?

Tears of Betrayal is an old skool adventure similar to the Sierra and LucasArts games from the nineties. The difference lies in the use of a 3D rendered environment and the option to control the game either through a point-and-click interface and/or a text-parser (just type what you want to do).

Tears of Betrayal has 11 mandatory puzzles (some of them need combinations), 22 easter eggs (some of them are puzzles), 3 gamble games, 12 original soundtracks, humour, emotion and suspense.

Tears of Betrayal - No longer for sale 9772e963

Tears of Betrayal feature page on Adventure Point HERE.

Last edited by Gelert on Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Age : 173
Location : Watching the ladiies bouncing on a trampoline :)

Tears of Betrayal - No longer for sale Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tears of Betrayal - No longer for sale   Tears of Betrayal - No longer for sale EmptySat Apr 17, 2010 6:37 pm

Reduced .................. or can trade. flower
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Join date : 2009-09-06
Age : 173
Location : Watching the ladiies bouncing on a trampoline :)

Tears of Betrayal - No longer for sale Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tears of Betrayal - No longer for sale   Tears of Betrayal - No longer for sale EmptyWed Jun 09, 2010 11:45 pm

No longer for sale. Will only trade for wanted games.

Edit: Actually, selling on eBay now ............... at a snip!! What a Face
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PostSubject: Re: Tears of Betrayal - No longer for sale   Tears of Betrayal - No longer for sale Empty

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