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 Dosbox - win 3.xx game sluggish

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Dosbox - win 3.xx game sluggish Empty
PostSubject: Dosbox - win 3.xx game sluggish   Dosbox - win 3.xx game sluggish EmptySat Apr 03, 2010 4:15 am

I've installed Windows 3.11 for workgroups into my DOSbox 0.73 that I have installed in my Windows XP netbook last night, and after installing Windows ok, I found that the mouse pointer has a tendency to be a bit sticky, and having installed a game into windows 3.11, and now I'm starting up the game to test it - the opening logos run very sluggishly. How do I fix this so that the game runs smoothly?

My Asus Eee PC netbook was bought brand new from the local Best Buy during the last week of January 2010, and as of now, the netbook's 160 gb hard drive is 34.3 gb used space with 109 gb free space.

I have my dosbox's cpu cycles on max.

Thanks in advance.
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Dosbox - win 3.xx game sluggish Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dosbox - win 3.xx game sluggish   Dosbox - win 3.xx game sluggish EmptySat Apr 03, 2010 8:57 pm

K515 there are some older games that no matter what you do the game just isn't going to run smoothly. There is a very good help site Here that seems to address your problem. Scroll down to Step 3 Performance. Hope this helps with your game.

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Dosbox - win 3.xx game sluggish
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