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 Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarok

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarok   Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptySat May 01, 2010 1:28 am

It can be both an enchanting and enthralling experience to explore the abandoned remains of an old building that time forgot. It has been our intention at Wax Lyriical Games to recreate and dramatise that experience in a video game, says writer and designer Alan Thorn. Wittard embodies this intention. It throws the gamer into a massive and mysterious ruin in the middle of nowhere. Then it leaves them there unaided to explore its darkest depths and to solve its unnerving mysteries.

Game Features:

Explore the ruins of a decaying building and uncover its terrible secret
Non - Linear gameplay: explore at your own pace
Experience urban decay in high resolution graphics
Eerie and mysterious soundtrack with full musical score
Discover a massive world in First Person Perspective
Use skill and cunning to search for clues and solve puzzles
A gentle but gripping plot packed with twists and turns

In developement by European video game developer Wax Lyrical Games.
Suggested Release Date: October 2010

Official Website

Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarok ScreenShot1-1
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