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 CASA has received a BIG lick of paint - Please take a look . . :o)

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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CASA has received a BIG lick of paint - Please take a look . . :o) Empty
PostSubject: CASA has received a BIG lick of paint - Please take a look . . :o)   CASA has received a BIG lick of paint - Please take a look . . :o) EmptyWed May 26, 2010 3:52 pm

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to give you the news that Jacob (otherwise known as Gunness), over at the 'The Classic Adventures Solution Archive' (CASA), has recently completed a massive overhaul of his excellent website.

It's a fabulous place for everything you'd like to know about Text Adventures, whether you're an experienced player looking for a fix, or a starter looking to get into Text Adventures that may have passed you by over the years.

Anyway, Jacob is a good friend of Adventure Point, so please pop over and take a look at his wonderful website as soon as you have a minute, or two, to spare.

It's here: CASA


Gelert. Smile
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CASA has received a BIG lick of paint - Please take a look . . :o)
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