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 Gray Matter Coming in Q4

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Gray Matter Coming in Q4 Empty
PostSubject: Gray Matter Coming in Q4   Gray Matter Coming in Q4 EmptyTue Jun 29, 2010 4:00 pm

Gray Matter has been in the making for a number of years and stands as one of the most anticipated upcoming adventure games of 2010. Developed by adventure game veteran Jane Jensen, Gray Matter will be the first game by the famous adventure author since the release of Gabriel Knight 3 in the 90’s. Staying true to Jensen’s style, the story weaves gruesome incidents and supernatural events.

Game synopsis:
Neurobiologist Dr. David Styles is one of the game’s central characters: since losing his wife in a horrible accident several years ago, David has become a recluse, seldom leaving Dread Hill House, his English country estate. But when student and part-time street performer Samantha Everett shows up at his doorstep, she unexpectedly becomes his new assistant. Hailing from America , she has been travelling through most of Europe the last couple years searching for refuge and a well paid job. Her first task: involves recruiting six test subjects from Oxford University for one of Styles’ planned experiments. The experiment starts off innocently enough, but then inexplicable incidents start mounting including a visit from Styles dearly departed wife. Now it’s up to Sam and Dr. Styles to solve the mysteries of Dread Hill House. In Gray Matter, the player takes control of Dr. David Styles as well as Samantha Everett as they are trying to unveil secrets and find the truth.

Gray Matter Coming in Q4 GrayMatter2010_06

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