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 am i allowed to trade books for games here at ap?

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am i allowed to trade books for games here at ap? Empty
PostSubject: am i allowed to trade books for games here at ap?   am i allowed to trade books for games here at ap? EmptyMon Jul 26, 2010 4:52 am

Hello all. I have a potential match on swaptree where I can trade one of my unwanted items for a fiction story book by Judy Blume - book's title is Blubber. So...I wish to know if I'd be allowed to (if I decide to go ahead with the trade) trade this book "Blubber" by Judy Blume (or similar books) here on the TP for games?
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am i allowed to trade books for games here at ap? Empty
PostSubject: Re: am i allowed to trade books for games here at ap?   am i allowed to trade books for games here at ap? EmptyMon Jul 26, 2010 5:21 am

No K515 no trading fiction books. Games and game related material only.

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am i allowed to trade books for games here at ap?
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