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 Lost Horizon Gold

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Lost Horizon Gold Empty
PostSubject: Lost Horizon Gold   Lost Horizon Gold EmptyTue Aug 03, 2010 12:49 am

Deep Silver's new adventure reaches Gold status

Release date fixed, additional contents revealed

Deep Silver, the games label of Koch Media, a leading producer and distributor of digital entertainment products, today announced that Lost Horizon has now gone into production. This means that nothing stands in the way of an September 17 release this year of the eagerly anticipated PC game from developer Animation Arts.

Also, the publisher revealed that, after playing Lost Horizon, adventurers will get to enjoy additional bonus contents, including a surprise puzzle and an opportunity to play parts of the original prototype.

Lost Horizon is the third title issued by Animation Arts, the developer of the award-winning Secret Files series. With its classic 1930s setting, fascinating locations such as Hong Kong, Tibet, Berlin, and Morocco, and the eventful search for one of humankind's greatest secrets, Lost Horizon is bound to have adventure fans glued to their PCs.

The story:
1936: Fenton Paddock, a former British soldier and hapless smuggler, is asked to find a lost expedition in Tibet. On his journey, he encounters Nazi henchmen who are following a trail through the Himalayas as they search for occult weapons to help with plans for further conquests, hoping to track down one of mankind's greatest secrets - the legendary Shambala.


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