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 Lucius in Development From Shiver Games

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Lucius in Development From Shiver Games Empty
PostSubject: Lucius in Development From Shiver Games   Lucius in Development From Shiver Games EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 9:55 pm

Lucius the new horror game in development from Shiver Games.

Lucius is the son of the devil who has to clear the mansion of it's residents. To do this he must devise "accidents" without anyone suspecting him of any foul play. The player starts as Lucius and must cleverly devise these incidents from simple household items. Every time he succeeds he will gain supernatural powers to help him take full control.

His growing supernatural powers may be used in various ways. He will eventually become able to control objects and people with mind power and move objects around without touching them. Lucius even has the incredible mind power to dictate weak people into causing destruction and pain.

He was born June 6, 1966 and when he had lived his sixth year on earth he finally started to show signs of his true origin.

The mansion is full of unrevealed mysteries that paint a story behind the family and how it became tangled with evil but what is already clear is that Lucifer had taken the soul of the boy and replaced it with his own blood.

It's up to you to see that he can be stopped.

Shiver Games Ltd. is a privately held developer of computer and video games. It was founded in March of 2010 and is based in Helsinki, Finland. Shiver Games is a young team with new ideas and already making a stand on the industry.

Official Website Here Trailer Here

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