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 Bracken Tor Gets Publisher

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PostSubject: Bracken Tor Gets Publisher   Bracken Tor Gets Publisher EmptyTue Aug 17, 2010 9:11 pm

Iceberg Interactive announced today their agreement to publish “Bracken Tor: The Time of Tooth and Claw” from Cornwall-based Shadow Tor Studios, famous for their acclaimed horror title “Barrow Hill”. As the game is set in a neighbouring part of Cornwall to Barrow Hill, the new and suspenseful Bracken Tor gets the fitting tag “Adventures Beyond Barrow Hill” .

"It is a thrilling treat to be returning gamers to Barrow Hill, to re-explore those dark and sinister places, whilst venturing beyond into uncharted territory", says Matt Clark, Creator of Barrow Hill and Bracken Tor. "I have spent many months exploring the untouched corners of the ancient Moorland; discovering sites and locations off the beaten track, where even the bravest tourists never venture; they are the dark places of the Moor, which still echo with the secrets of the ancients.
"I have heard many strange stories, while 3D mapping the landscape and recreating forgotten shrines. There are whisperings of mythical beasts, appearing out of the fog. What are these strange creatures? Visitations? The ghosts of long extinct creatures? Is an ancient feral world colliding with ours? There really are undiscovered treasures, and dangers, waiting for the gamer to experience. Venture onto Bracken Tor, pitch your tent, prepare for the dark, listen for the sounds and hope to survive the Time of Tooth and Claw", concludes Matt Clark.

About Bracken Tor
The Bloodmoon has risen. Something is stirring, something feral, ancient and terrible. It began many years ago, with the discovery of the livestock, ripped to shreds, torn apart and devoured. The beast now has a taste for ! blood... our blood... there has been a murder - a vicious, brutal killing - out there on the mist shrouded moorland. A lone hiker, exploring our ancient land, has
been discovered... mutilated and bloody. The beast struck at some point just after dusk, ripping out the throat. Our land was once the hunting ground for many vicious carnivores, but they have long since disappeared, hunted into extinction. Could those beasts have returned, to seek their revenge? Where or when have these monstrous creatures come from?

Spend a night on the mysterious moor, with only the canvas of your tent as protection. Listen out for the sounds, look out for the tell tale signs, or flee in fear when the pack closes in. You are a bold journalist, always looking for the next 'big story'. How far would you go to grab the front page? Would you risk your life, for a news story? If so, the ancient rock formation known as Bracken Tor awaits your arrival. The stony outcrop dominates the moor, and boasts several unnerving stories; from unexplainable glowing lights, to this latest horrifying incident. Are some places cursed? Or, are they haunted by those who went before?

Thrown into the ancient past of the Bronze Age people, you will find the true origins of the nightmare. Those primitive people lived in fear of the mighty beasts, making sacrifices to protect themselves from the packs, which hide in the thick pine forests and wind-swept tundra. They practised long forgotten ceremonies, and studied the natural world, in an attempt to understand and conquer their foe. For it is only through understanding the 'old ways' that you will survive the night. You will have to decide what is worse... the beasts that lurk in the darkness, or the terrifying acts performed by our ancient ancestors.

Bracken Tor Features
- Explore the desolate moorland & ancient sites, searching for evidence.
- Travel back in time, to The Bronze Age, ! to learn its secrets.
- A complete interactive world; brought to life on your PC.
- Environmental sounds and weather to heighten the experience.
- An unnerving and eerie soundtrack to chill the blood.
- Experience virtual archaeology, and uncover the past.
- Survive beast attacks using items close at hand. Defend yourself!
- A complex and unusual story to piece together.
- Glean clues from newspaper articles and local radio broadcasts.
- Solve a bloody murder through investigation and detection.

Appropriately, Bracken Tor is expected to be released on Halloween 2010 in the UK, with localized versions to follow on mainland Europe in Q1-2011. The deal includes all of Europe, including several online rights but excludes Russia, former CIS countries and Spain.

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Bracken Tor Gets Publisher Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bracken Tor Gets Publisher   Bracken Tor Gets Publisher EmptyThu Aug 19, 2010 1:47 am

hatshepsut wrote:
Appropriately, Bracken Tor is expected to be released on Halloween 2010 in the UK, with localized versions to follow on mainland Europe in Q1-2011. The deal includes all of Europe, including several online rights but excludes Russia, former CIS countries and Spain.
What about the US?
Are all of us unfortunate enough to live in the US going to have to get it at Interact?
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Bracken Tor Gets Publisher Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bracken Tor Gets Publisher   Bracken Tor Gets Publisher EmptyThu Aug 19, 2010 3:30 am

Yeah cheers

Another first person indie game. I have all the confidence in the world that Dave at Interact will have this for us on this side of the pond for Halloween.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Bracken Tor Gets Publisher Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bracken Tor Gets Publisher   Bracken Tor Gets Publisher EmptyThu Aug 19, 2010 3:45 am

At this time we will have to obtain our copies from Interact. I am confident that Dave will get the game.

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