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 Puzzle Bots 50% Off Till Sept 6

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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PostSubject: Puzzle Bots 50% Off Till Sept 6   Puzzle Bots 50% Off Till Sept 6 EmptyFri Sep 03, 2010 9:47 pm

Tiny Robots, Tiny Price Tag!
For a Limited Time, Get Puzzle Bots for $4.99

Publisher Wadjet Eye Games celebrates PAX 10 selection with 50% discount

As gamers converge in Seattle for the Penny Arcade Expo, independent publisher Wadjet Eye Games is celebrating Puzzle Bots’ selection for the PAX 10, the expo’s independent game showcase. Now through September 6, the downloadable PC game is available from for just $4.99—a 50% savings over the regular $9.99 price. Customers can take advantage of the special offer by entering the coupon code PUZZLEPAX at checkout.

Created by award-winning designer Erin Robinson, Puzzle Bots is a light-hearted adventure guaranteed to put a smile on your face. The fun begins when Zander (who is possibly the world’s most absent-minded inventor) trips over a metal box buried outside of Dr. Hugo’s Factory for Making Robots. When he and his colleagues can’t figure out how to open it, their “offspring”—five tiny robots, each with a unique puzzle-solving skill—sneak out and try it for themselves. What they discover is the first step to a grand adventure, leading to a mystery as old as the factory itself.

Puzzle Bots is one of ten indie games to be recognized at this year’s Penny Arcade Expo, which begins tomorrow at the Washington State Convention Center. “Being accepted into the PAX showcase is a huge honor,” says Dave Gilbert, Wadjet Eye Games’ founder and CEO. “We’re excited that so many gamers will be able to check out Puzzle Bots on the show floor and see how fun and creative it is. Who knew those little bots would take us this far?”

Penny Arcade Expo attendees can play Puzzle Bots in the PAX 10 area of the show floor (booth 3017). To see screenshots and video, check out the free demo, or buy the game at its limited-time $4.99 price, visit the official product page:

About Wadjet Eye Games
Founded in 2006, Wadjet Eye Games has developed a reputation for producing award-winning and critically acclaimed adventure games for the PC. Committed to creating unique character-driven game experiences around recognizable brands, Wadjet Eye Games has grown from a small homebrew operation to a company sought after by major publishers. The company’s award-winning portfolio includes The Shivah and the Blackwell series, both of which have garnered Game Developers Choice nominations and Puzzle Bots, which was selected for the Penny Arcade Expo’s PAX 10 showcase. For more information, visit

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Puzzle Bots 50% Off Till Sept 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Puzzle Bots 50% Off Till Sept 6   Puzzle Bots 50% Off Till Sept 6 EmptyTue Sep 07, 2010 12:02 am

I finished playing Puzzle Bots just this morning and all-in-all I found this to be a very entertaining game. It started out slowly at first, but then as I kept playing I was getting more into it and finally I was almost addicted to it. Those bots really were very fun characters, each one so different. Now I'm hoping there will be more games from Erin and Wadjet Eye just like it, maybe a sequel or something new. I liked the colorful graphics too. I'm so tired of dark games and realistic type of backgrounds. Leaves blowing in the wind, but if you watch closely, it is always the same bunch of leaves swirling around in the same pattern over and over.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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PostSubject: Re: Puzzle Bots 50% Off Till Sept 6   Puzzle Bots 50% Off Till Sept 6 EmptyTue Sep 07, 2010 12:28 am

Thanks for the info. hats! flower
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Puzzle Bots 50% Off Till Sept 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Puzzle Bots 50% Off Till Sept 6   Puzzle Bots 50% Off Till Sept 6 EmptyTue Sep 07, 2010 2:17 am

You are welcome Gelert.

mindysue, I enjoyed this game so much. It's a beautiful game. I've played it a couple of times to get all the bonus items. I hope they make another game like it or another game with more adventures with the robots.


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