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 Astroslugs - FREE for the MAC (plus more) for the next 3 days! - US Also!

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Mr. Bill
Wanderer's Apprentice
Mr. Bill

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Astroslugs - FREE for the MAC (plus more) for the next 3 days! - US Also! Empty
PostSubject: Astroslugs - FREE for the MAC (plus more) for the next 3 days! - US Also!   Astroslugs - FREE for the MAC (plus more) for the next 3 days! - US Also! EmptyFri Mar 11, 2011 9:43 pm

I just received this email from Alex of Bit Barons.

Quote :
Time to party! Free stuff for everyone!

The Astroslugs finally made it to the Mac App Store. To celebrate their appearance in this uncharted territory we decided to give you guys a little present. Astroslugs will be completely free for the next three days (Friday to Sunday) on the Mac App Store. That means you will save 12$ / 9€ on the full price of the game.

And that is not all. As an added bonus we will also give everyone who buys Astroslugs on the Mac App Store a free copy of Astroslugs for Windows*. With no DRM at all. So you can easily gift this version of the game to your friends who still have no Mac. And there's even more! You'll also get a free copy of the Astroslugs & Friends Soundtrack* by Filippo Beck Peccoz and his Audio Designer friends.

To sum this up:

free version of Astroslugs for Mac on the Mac App Store
free version of Astroslugs for Windows from yours truly*
free version of the Astroslugs & Friends Soundtrack*
save lots of money
have even more fun

* To get those goodies you just have to send a copy of your Mac App Store receipt for Astroslugs to We'll send you the Windows game and the Soundtrack as soon as this celebration is over (which probably means Monday).

I say US also in the title above because there is an error in the apple links presently excluding the US ordering. I wrote Alex of Bit Barons about it and he contacted me that there is an error presently blocking US ordering. He is trying to get it fixed.

Have Fun with the game when you can order it! You guys overseas hopefully won't have that problem at present.

Mr. Bill
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Astroslugs - FREE for the MAC (plus more) for the next 3 days! - US Also! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Astroslugs - FREE for the MAC (plus more) for the next 3 days! - US Also!   Astroslugs - FREE for the MAC (plus more) for the next 3 days! - US Also! EmptyFri Mar 11, 2011 10:10 pm

Thanks for letting us know Mr. Bill we have a few Mac users here that will be happy to know this. Smile

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Astroslugs - FREE for the MAC (plus more) for the next 3 days! - US Also!
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