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 Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing

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Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing Empty
PostSubject: Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing   Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing EmptyThu Dec 31, 2009 5:23 pm

Coming in the New Year - GreyFuss’s Game Drawing

Over the last few years I have been selling off hundreds of games and I am finally down to the end of the list. I know that many of you that know me will get a chuckle out of me saying that I have run out of adventure games to play. Been saying that many times for the last year or so but seem to always come up with some rare or hard to find games that I just have to try. Well except for a handful games that are coming I have come to the end of the tunnel. After more than 360 games played there just aren’t any more that interests me and I don’t like any other genre & I am tired of replays. I will only be playing new releases but only a few of them since most aren’t up to the challenge or expectation anymore. Don’t feel sorry for GreyFuss it has been a fantastic 14 year ride. I do envy all who have not been playing adventure games that long, you have so many wonderful adventures ahead of you.

Geesh GreyFuss...Get to the point....So to make a long story short I thought it may be fun to hold a drawing to give back a little to the Adventure game community and in honor of the New Year and all the research help I have received from using this Adventure Point website. Stay tuned for the rules but there will be 2 winners drawn and they will get to choose a game from the last 17 I have. I hope there will be something on the list that will interest everyone into entering.
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Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing   Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing EmptyThu Dec 31, 2009 5:55 pm

Oh GreyFuss how exciting ! A drawing with a chance to win one of GreyFuss's games. I'm sure there will be many gamers entering this drawing. I will be watching for details.

Knowing how much GreyFuss loves his adventures I am a little sad that you have come to the end of the tunnel with games. I am absolutly awed by the number of games you have played. All those fantastic adventures and journey's that you have experienced.

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Lady Kestrel
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Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing   Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing EmptyThu Dec 31, 2009 8:53 pm

That is very sweet of you, GF! I hope you get a good response.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing   Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing EmptyThu Dec 31, 2009 9:04 pm

Thanks, GreyFuss, for making such a fantastically generous gesture, and GOOD LUCK to ........... umm! ............ EVERYBODY! Very Happy 🐰 queen king farao afro drunken What a Face Laughing pirat

(sorry if I missed anybody out!)

Gelert flower
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Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing   Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing EmptySat Jan 02, 2010 9:22 pm

Please, folks, take a note of the clarification statement I've made in the 'END OF DECADE' Screenshot Competetition thread. Nothing too odious.

It's this;

EDIT: (Clarification) ...........

Although the answers must be written exactly so as to get a 'CORRECT' response from the page. That's not important for submission of correct answers. Provided the title is full, and correct, punctuation is NOT important (even though the Excel program will give you an 'INCORRECT' response if you include it).

THERE IS NO PUNCTUATION included in the game title answers. No colons, semi-colons and no apostrophe's.

However, full game titles are important. If, for instance, you p.m. me with the title of a game Cameron Files, it will not be accepted as correct. The same goes for non-inclusion of subtitles of games. SUBTITLES are included. ...... Amber Journeys Beyond, for instance will be accepted. Amber on its own will not. Sorry if this sounds over-fussy.

If you've solved the screenshot clues without getting a 'CORRECT' response from the software, i.e., purely by recognising them, that's fine. But I need to have the full title of the game from you in a p.m. for you to be credited with a correct answer.

By the way, the titles aren't case sensitive. So, that's one plus, at least. Smile
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing   Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing EmptyMon Jan 18, 2010 8:48 pm

Check out the Adventure Trivia thread to see who's won the mystery game. flower
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Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing   Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing EmptyTue Jan 19, 2010 3:50 pm

Hi Gelert

My workhorse computer has crashed and I am in the process of converting another computer with everything and its going to take awhile. You can un-sticky my game giveaway drawing thread anytime.

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Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing   Coming In The New Year...GF's Game Drawing Empty

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