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 Is It Really That Good For You

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4 posters
StarLite Moon
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Is It Really That Good For You Empty
PostSubject: Is It Really That Good For You   Is It Really That Good For You EmptyMon Mar 28, 2011 2:35 am

Is exercise really that good for you when you get older. Yesterday I pulled a muscle in my abdomen just below my rib and also hurt my hip doing those resistance tube exercises. I was in so much pain I couldn't sit last night, so I decided to lay down to play my playstation and couldn't lay on my left side because my hip was so sore.

It never fails. Every time I plan to sit down and do some serious work on Hawk Manor something always throws up a road block to stop me. I wanted to spent this weekend working on graphics for the game but didn't want to push my luck, so it was a day on the couch. I took a Naproxen which seemed to help a bit. Last time I planned to work on my game, my PSP stopped working on me. Turned out I had too many tubes loaded. What a pain, literally. It looks like something is trying to stop me from making this game and I think I know who sunny
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Is It Really That Good For You Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is It Really That Good For You   Is It Really That Good For You EmptyMon Mar 28, 2011 2:45 am

I am not entirely sure exercise is older friendly either.

I have seen many interviews with developers where they said they had all kinds of roadblocks while working on their games. I guess it comes with the territory so hang in there Smile

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StarLite Moon
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PostSubject: Re: Is It Really That Good For You   Is It Really That Good For You EmptyMon Mar 28, 2011 4:38 am

Hi Hats, it seems every time I try to do some form of exercise I end up pulling something and these are exercises I've done before. Like I was saying to hubby, maybe when you get old you are just supposed to slow down and take it easy. I'm starting to find it hard to get out of a chair now, I shouldn't be going through this at 55. I can't get a decent answer out of my doctor if he can't make money off it he blames my age. Oh well

Actually, I've gotten quite a lot of work done on the game, but it isn't even close to half of what I've got left to do. I try not to think about how much work is left to do or I'll just say forget it.

I've gotten addicted to psp tutorials so I spend a lot of time doing those. The lady who runs Dragon's Breath sprained her wrist so I put together some tutorials for the members to do. It's starting to get late here so it's off to bed for me soon. Take care for now Sleep
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PostSubject: Re: Is It Really That Good For You   Is It Really That Good For You EmptyMon Mar 28, 2011 4:54 pm

Welll...I think it depends on the individual. I'm over 55 and still run on the treadmill and use a Bowflex for resistance training. I do pay attention to my body, though. If my knee feels a bit tentative, I opt for a brisk walk over a run. If my tendonitis is bugging me, I skip the bicep curls on the Bowflex. I'm notorious, too, for not stretching prior to exercise. My doctor tells me that at my age an elliptical is lower impact. I have one of those at my Mom's house, so when I'm visiting her on the weekends, that is what I use. Definitely better for my knee than a treadmill run.

I do find that at this age it is easy to put on weight and not so easy to take it off....thus the continued devotion to exercise. Neutral
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Lady Kestrel
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PostSubject: Re: Is It Really That Good For You   Is It Really That Good For You EmptyMon Mar 28, 2011 8:36 pm

If you haven't done any exercizes for a while, just start slowly for the first couple of weeks or so. Before I broke my ankle, I would walk 2½ to 3 miles at least 5 days a week. I've now worked my way back up to 1 mile and am ready to do more as soon as the weather cooperates. (It is spring, isn't it?) Also, as JK stated, if something hurts, stop doing it and try an alternative method. For specific muscle exercizes, form is very important, so exercizing in front of a mirror or with someone spotting you is important.

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StarLite Moon
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PostSubject: Re: Is It Really That Good For You   Is It Really That Good For You EmptyWed Mar 30, 2011 5:06 pm

jkeerie, have you tried Glucosamine for your knees. Hubby and I use it when our knees are bad, but be careful if you are allergic to shellfish, I believe Glucosamine is made from shellfish. I take the no sodium because I found that Glucosamine was driving up my blood pressure. I don't take it for a long time because it makes my bum itch. I guess that's it's way of telling me I don't need it as much Smile

LadyK, lately it doesn't seem to matter which exercises I do, I'm always pulling muscles. I wanted to get a punching bag downstairs but hubby says we're too old for punching bags that we have to slow down. I would think a punching bag would save more on shoes than kicking the kitchen chair

What makes me mad is, I spent the year that one year exercising 6 days a week and I was really enjoying it, till one day right after my cardio workout I felt like I wanted to drop to my knees. I had to go take an hour nap right after. That was when I found out about my cholesterol hitting the roof. I've got to do something though, I'm starting to get that dry coughing thing happening when I get out of breath, which tells me that my heart is getting weak. I told hubby that I want a treadmill in the house. Because of his gout, he's finding it hard to walk around the block now. At least with the treadmill if we can't walk we can just get off and sit or lay on the couch. Yesterday I had to take the day off the computer because my back was so bad. But I am going to keep trying till I find the right exercise for me, I think the walking will be more body friendly. Keep at it folks sunny
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