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 The Testament of Sherlock Holmes

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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The Testament of Sherlock Holmes Empty
PostSubject: The Testament of Sherlock Holmes   The Testament of Sherlock Holmes EmptyThu Apr 14, 2011 9:44 pm

The Testament of Sherlock Holmes

1898 London
All the evidence of police investigation points at Sherlock Holmes as the main suspect in a case involving theft, fraud and double cross. UUnable to prove his own innocence Holmes is losing London's trust as spreads through the city. Even Dr. Watson's faith in Holmes begins to waiver as the famous detective flees Scotland Yard and raises further suspicions prowling at night, destruction of evidence, would Holmes go so far as to commit murder ?

The complex and mature storyline surrounds a tricky investigation in which puzzles will challenge both insight and wits. As Sherlock Holmes you will use the detectives full repertoire: handle and inspect clues, renact crimes and use the games new deduction system to draw your own conclusions. Choose your questioning approacjh to catch characters off guard and gather information.

The Testament of Sherlock Holmes. Play the adventure and foil the incredible conspiracy this Fall 2011.

The Testament of Sherlock Holmes New_Adventures_of_Sherlock_Holmes-03a

The Testament of Sherlock Holmes New_Adventures_of_Sherlock_Holmes-01a

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