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 Hey Raj ........... and everybody! :-)

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

Posts : 2180
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Join date : 2009-09-06
Age : 173
Location : Watching the ladiies bouncing on a trampoline :)

Hey Raj ........... and everybody! :-) Empty
PostSubject: Hey Raj ........... and everybody! :-)   Hey Raj ........... and everybody! :-) EmptyThu Dec 31, 2009 8:43 pm

Don't forget to check out the 'Mad For Text' section of the Adventure Point website for loads and loads ....... and loads of helpful info on Interactive Fiction and Text Adventures in general, including useful links to IF archive resources (more in the Links section), explanations and definitions, a bit of IF fascinating history, recommended IF games, with ratings and linked download locations, etc., etc., etc. ...... .

Gelert. flower
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Hey Raj ........... and everybody! :-)
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