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 Rhem 4: Behind door #1/5 gold pads

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Rhem 4: Behind door #1/5 gold  pads Empty
PostSubject: Rhem 4: Behind door #1/5 gold pads   Rhem 4: Behind door #1/5 gold  pads EmptyMon Apr 25, 2011 6:01 pm

well - I finally figured it out. You have to do all the entries backwards as you see them. I wrote them down in a little row of boxes, then turned it upside down to enter them, and that worked for me.

I'm supposed to put the coin(s) into a slot under the candle puzzle, but I don't see where the coin(s) are to be collected from the door puzzle in the north area? I don't see where any coins are at.
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Opportunist Explorer

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Rhem 4: Behind door #1/5 gold  pads Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rhem 4: Behind door #1/5 gold pads   Rhem 4: Behind door #1/5 gold  pads EmptyFri Apr 29, 2011 3:10 pm

Hi Goldish, the coins are inside a closed panel on the wall between the six rows of buttons that represent the doors, in the left room of the first building of Meneandes' house, in the north area.
If it doesn't open maybe that your entries are uncorrect.
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Rhem 4: Behind door #1/5 gold pads
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