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 GOG Has Q&A With Tex Murphy Developer

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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GOG Has Q&A With Tex Murphy Developer Empty
PostSubject: GOG Has Q&A With Tex Murphy Developer   GOG Has Q&A With Tex Murphy Developer EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 7:24 pm

If you have ever wanted to ask Aaron Conners, developer of the Tex Murphy series, here's your chance. GOG is having a Q & A with Aaron Conners and will pick five questions from submitted questions.

Ask developer a question: Tex Murphy series
Just recently we posted a very interesting Q&A session with Tony Zurovec, the creator of Crusader series, and to continue this beautiful tradition we have another developer who is willing to answer some of your questions. Aaron Conners, the man behind the awesome adventure game series, Tex Murphy, agreed to share his memoirs from back in the days when he worked on the series.

As always in those cases, we'd like to involve you in the process and we encourage you to post your questions to Aaron in the comments section. We'll pick 5 questions that will be sent to Aaron along with ours, and the authors of those questions will be rewarded with a free GOG game of their choice (including The Witcher 2). You can submit as many questions as you want until Monday, October 3 at 11:59 p.m. EDT

Ask Developer a Question

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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GOG Has Q&A With Tex Murphy Developer Empty
PostSubject: Re: GOG Has Q&A With Tex Murphy Developer   GOG Has Q&A With Tex Murphy Developer EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 7:58 pm

Thanks for the heads up Hats. I just posted the only question I have and I hope it is answered.

Quote :
There is only one question I would have...Come on...straight up, no beating around the bush, no teasing, man to man...Are you making another Tex Murphy game in any format or what? Personally I see the next game as first person adventure without the costly FMV with the original stars doing the voices, if possible, especially Chris Jones.

I think I may cry whatever your answer is. Sad if you are not and extremely happy if you are.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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GOG Has Q&A With Tex Murphy Developer Empty
PostSubject: Re: GOG Has Q&A With Tex Murphy Developer   GOG Has Q&A With Tex Murphy Developer EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 9:58 pm

You are welcome GreyFuss Smile

My only question is the same question you have GreyFuss

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PostSubject: Re: GOG Has Q&A With Tex Murphy Developer   GOG Has Q&A With Tex Murphy Developer Empty

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