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 A Very Talented Lady

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StarLite Moon
Daredevil Pioneer
StarLite Moon

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A Very Talented Lady Empty
PostSubject: A Very Talented Lady   A Very Talented Lady EmptySun Oct 23, 2011 5:20 pm

Good day fellow gamers. I thought you might enjoy these pics a friend of mine from Dragon's Breath created. This lady is an excellent artist. We got into a discussion about spooky old houses, would you live in a spooky house like this one. Myself I love old spooky houses. I wish I had the health to go through old abandoned asylums. I'm kind of sorry I never got to go through the one near us. We drove through there once and it was creepy and this was in the day time. Would you spend the night in a creepy old house if you believed it was haunted. Hope you enjoy these pics sunny

Eliza's Pics
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A Very Talented Lady Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Very Talented Lady   A Very Talented Lady EmptySun Oct 23, 2011 5:50 pm

I love the picture of that house. I would live in a house like that. I've always wanted an old Victorian style house spooky or not. I like old buildings and houses of all kinds especially spooky ones Smile

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A Very Talented Lady
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