MaG, I just got this in my school's academic email, and I don't want this law to be passed. Can you help, please?
link removed
More info:
rotect IP" and "SOPA") that would let the government or any corporation censor the internet, using the same DNS-blocking techniques as Iran or China.
More here: link removed
The bills are ostensibly to stop copyright and trademark infringement, but they won't. Instead-- they'll let the government shut down almost any social media website, since any site can be shut down just for audio, video, text, or even *links* posted by its users. Any corporations will have the power to bankrupt any website or organization by cutting it off from payments, advertising and donations-- without so much as a court order.
The law is being pushed by some of the strongest lobbies in Washington, it has broad bipartisan support, and it's likely to pass in some form. I've been active against it: next week I'll be participating in a nationwide call-in day. Can you join me, and help me spread the word by forwarding this email?
Join me here: link removed
Here are two great op-eds about the bills, followed by links to the bill text:
1. link removed
2. link removed
3. link removed
4. link removed
To get involved, the link is: link removed