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 Alchemia - Excellent freeware Adventure from Springtail Studios

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Alchemia - Excellent freeware Adventure from Springtail Studios Empty
PostSubject: Alchemia - Excellent freeware Adventure from Springtail Studios   Alchemia - Excellent freeware Adventure from Springtail Studios EmptySun Jan 17, 2010 9:07 pm

If you liked Samorost and Machinarium, then check out Alchemia, a similar concept with some clever puzzles and really nice music. Developed by Tomas Kaleta, with Julian Winter's excellent soundtrack, I recommend it.

It's featured on Adventure Point's Home Page . . . . HERE;

Home Page

Just scroll to the bottom of the page.

Also, it has its own page, with a link to the website . . . . HERE;

Alchemia feature page

I played it today. Short and sweet, but plenty of entertainment.

Gelert. flower

P.S.; Springtail Studios also made the very good Haluz and Haluz 2. See Adventure Point's Free Adventures page . . . HERE;

Free Adventures pages

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Alchemia - Excellent freeware Adventure from Springtail Studios Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alchemia - Excellent freeware Adventure from Springtail Studios   Alchemia - Excellent freeware Adventure from Springtail Studios EmptySun Jan 17, 2010 11:21 pm

I played this one-- and yes I did enjoy it-- hope others try it.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Age : 173
Location : Watching the ladiies bouncing on a trampoline :)

Alchemia - Excellent freeware Adventure from Springtail Studios Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alchemia - Excellent freeware Adventure from Springtail Studios   Alchemia - Excellent freeware Adventure from Springtail Studios EmptyTue Jan 19, 2010 7:32 pm

Thinking of the fact that the well pre-publicised Machinarium has received such overwhelmingly rave reviews, I wonder if Tomas, and his team, at Springtail Studios is considering following up Alchemia with a full size commercial Adventure?

I'd certainly be interested if that was the case. Games like Samorost, Machinarium and Alchemia are quite different to the 'normal' Adventure game, and I find them pretty addictive too!

Mind you the music helps set the quirky mood! Very Happy But the things I liked the best were the well-conceived, but not overly difficult, puzzles and the npc interactions. The only thing I wasn't too keen on was the dialogue. Not that I didn't think it helped with the story .......... it did! But that, on my PC at least, the dialogue stayed on the screen too long and slowed down the gameplay. Don't get rid of it. It just needs tweaking! Wink

Gelert. flower

Edit: Also ............... I know it's unlikely ....... but I do like hard copies in pretty boxes! 🤡
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Alchemia - Excellent freeware Adventure from Springtail Studios Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alchemia - Excellent freeware Adventure from Springtail Studios   Alchemia - Excellent freeware Adventure from Springtail Studios Empty

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Alchemia - Excellent freeware Adventure from Springtail Studios
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