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 Terror in the Atomic Desert - First Person Game Based on 1950s/60s B-Movies

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Terror in the Atomic Desert - First Person Game Based on 1950s/60s B-Movies Empty
PostSubject: Terror in the Atomic Desert - First Person Game Based on 1950s/60s B-Movies   Terror in the Atomic Desert - First Person Game Based on 1950s/60s B-Movies EmptyFri Dec 07, 2018 5:18 am

Hi All,

I'm a hobbyist game developer who is working on a first person puzzle/adventure game based on 1950s/60s B-Movies.

It is inspired by "So Bad It's Bad" type movies such as Eegah, The Beast of Yucca Flats, Astro Zombies, etc...

I would be interested to hear any feedback or suggestions that people on this forum might have. Also, if anyone wants to try out a beta version let me know and I can send you a steam key.

Cinematic Trailer:

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Terror in the Atomic Desert - First Person Game Based on 1950s/60s B-Movies
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