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 Mystery Legends: The Phantom of the Opera

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Mystery Legends: The Phantom of the Opera  Empty
PostSubject: Mystery Legends: The Phantom of the Opera    Mystery Legends: The Phantom of the Opera  EmptySun Oct 31, 2010 7:58 pm

This is a casual, hidden object game at BigFish Games. It's the Collector's Edition with the built-in guide that I'm playing and I really need the help as this is quite a challenging game and even the *help* is challenging! I don't see anything that I would call "casual" about this particular game. The hidden object scenes are only a small part and I find them somewhat of a relief so I can relax a little. The puzzles require going to various rooms in the opera house and it's a big place, fortunately there is a map to show one's location and where some of the objectives are located, a red ! is used for the area where one is, but only a ? for the as-yet-to-be-explored places.
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Lady Kestrel
Daredevil Pioneer
Lady Kestrel

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Mystery Legends: The Phantom of the Opera  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mystery Legends: The Phantom of the Opera    Mystery Legends: The Phantom of the Opera  EmptySun Oct 31, 2010 8:27 pm

I played the trial for an hour last week, Mindysue, and bought it, but I haven't played it since. I figure it's a good one to get back into tonight while I'm handing out candy.
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Daredevil Pioneer

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PostSubject: Re: Mystery Legends: The Phantom of the Opera    Mystery Legends: The Phantom of the Opera  EmptySun Oct 31, 2010 10:11 pm

Hi Lady Kestrel,
I see, you will be giving out candy while terrorizing the villagers and playing Phantom of the Opera ... what a busy agenda. Have fun! I, on the other hand, will be just playing the game as I live on the 9th floor of a retirement highrise and no trick-or-treaters will be coming by. Just as well, since I don't think I could do both. This game is tough enough without distractions yet.
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Opportunist Explorer

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Mystery Legends: The Phantom of the Opera  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mystery Legends: The Phantom of the Opera    Mystery Legends: The Phantom of the Opera  EmptyMon Nov 01, 2010 5:05 pm

I played it and finished it. It's a good one. I don't particularly care for hidden object scenes, but this game had more than enough other stuff to keep me happy.
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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Mystery Legends: The Phantom of the Opera  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mystery Legends: The Phantom of the Opera    Mystery Legends: The Phantom of the Opera  EmptyFri Dec 17, 2010 11:17 pm

I too played it and really enjoyed it! Loved the bonus play equally well!!
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Mystery Legends: The Phantom of the Opera  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mystery Legends: The Phantom of the Opera    Mystery Legends: The Phantom of the Opera  Empty

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Mystery Legends: The Phantom of the Opera
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