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 Aura III Catharsis - Video Teaser

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Aura III Catharsis - Video Teaser Empty
PostSubject: Aura III Catharsis - Video Teaser   Aura III Catharsis - Video Teaser EmptyWed Jan 06, 2010 12:48 am

Aura III: Catharsis has a Video teaser posted on the games Web page. Click on the black box with "The Adventure Company" logo in it on the upper left hand of page.

Hmmm...the music is actually from The Sacred Rings (aka Aura II)

My, Umang looks to be a little long in the tooth in this, the last, episode of the Trilogy that is still tentatively slated for the summer of 2010 release.

Aura III Teaser
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Aura III Catharsis - Video Teaser Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aura III Catharsis - Video Teaser   Aura III Catharsis - Video Teaser EmptyWed Jan 06, 2010 12:33 pm

Thank you GreyFuss. The music kind of suited the dark gloomy mood of the teaser. With that army looking like they mean serious business, I'm wondering if there is going to be some action in the game.

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Aura III Catharsis - Video Teaser
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