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 The ONLY Kickstarter I am Interested in..................Tex Murphy - Project Fedora

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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The ONLY Kickstarter I am Interested in..................Tex Murphy - Project Fedora Empty
PostSubject: The ONLY Kickstarter I am Interested in..................Tex Murphy - Project Fedora   The ONLY Kickstarter I am Interested in..................Tex Murphy - Project Fedora EmptyTue May 15, 2012 8:17 pm

With all the buzz about Kickstarter of late and all the new campaigns for adventure games there is only one that I am interested in and Wow Shocked has it started with a bang. Tex Murphy - Project Fedora started this morning and already shot over $100,000 in pledges. Except for interest into a Delaware St John #4 that sadly didn't even come close to being funded (although the goal was set really too high) all the other adventure Kickstarters are not my type of games. Don't get me wrong , I am not saying these other projects aren't worth it , they are just not for me. Anyone else really excited about continuing the Tex Murphy series and bringing back FMV adventure games with story and gameplay???
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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The ONLY Kickstarter I am Interested in..................Tex Murphy - Project Fedora Empty
PostSubject: Re: The ONLY Kickstarter I am Interested in..................Tex Murphy - Project Fedora   The ONLY Kickstarter I am Interested in..................Tex Murphy - Project Fedora EmptyWed May 16, 2012 6:43 am

I would like to see a continuation of Tex Murphy. I love the FMV adventure games. It appears that Project Fedora is off to a great start.

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Swashbuckling Globetrotter

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The ONLY Kickstarter I am Interested in..................Tex Murphy - Project Fedora Empty
PostSubject: Re: The ONLY Kickstarter I am Interested in..................Tex Murphy - Project Fedora   The ONLY Kickstarter I am Interested in..................Tex Murphy - Project Fedora EmptyWed May 16, 2012 10:48 am

It's also the one I'm most interested in. But I don't care for wallpapers and casual games and all that. I just want a boxed copy and for that I need 115 dollars! That's too extreme for me.
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The ONLY Kickstarter I am Interested in..................Tex Murphy - Project Fedora Empty
PostSubject: Re: The ONLY Kickstarter I am Interested in..................Tex Murphy - Project Fedora   The ONLY Kickstarter I am Interested in..................Tex Murphy - Project Fedora Empty

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The ONLY Kickstarter I am Interested in..................Tex Murphy - Project Fedora
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