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 Wanted: Questbusters Newsletters

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Wanted: Questbusters Newsletters Empty
PostSubject: Wanted: Questbusters Newsletters   Wanted: Questbusters Newsletters EmptySat Dec 08, 2012 4:07 pm

No, these are not games, but I guess no one minds me posting this here. So I'm trying to gather a research database of these old (1984-1990) adventure game newsletters with current reviews and interviews. It is really fascinating how the reviews differ from the adventure game reviews of the era's general game magazines.

While some of these are digitally available (, my attempt is to collect a physical library. If you have extra ones, I'd be most happy to hear. I haven't seen these sell anywhere so I don't know how much their worth. If you know, please tell.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Wanted: Questbusters Newsletters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wanted: Questbusters Newsletters   Wanted: Questbusters Newsletters EmptySun Dec 09, 2012 12:51 am

Hi fisu, hopefully someone will be along who can help you with your quest Smile

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Wanted: Questbusters Newsletters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wanted: Questbusters Newsletters   Wanted: Questbusters Newsletters EmptySun Dec 09, 2012 8:20 am

Well, this is a long-term project and I wouldn't be amazed if people don't have these right away. But I thought it's good to put the word here so when someone hears that some knows someone who had a fried who's sister had one, perhaps they will find their way to me one day..
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Wanted: Questbusters Newsletters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wanted: Questbusters Newsletters   Wanted: Questbusters Newsletters EmptySun Dec 09, 2012 12:45 pm

I don't know if this will help but I found this

Questbusters Adventurers Journal - 1984 to 1996? (pages 1 - 5)

where the newsletters are in pdf format. I suppose you can print them out and have them binded at the local office depot or the local printing/copy shop, maybe?

Also I found this

Sensauri computer game library

Maybe you could try to contact these people from these sites I linked to and ask them if/where you could buy the physical copies of these newsletters?

Just my 2 cents' worth (or maybe 1 penny's worth).

EDIT - Oops, my second link has another link that takes you right back to the site you linked to, Fisu - my mistake, I thought I was helping.

EDIT 2 - I'm beginning to suspect that the places/people where you might be able to buy these newsletters may reside somewhere in the deep or invisible web. To search the invisible web you have to use a specialized search engine, which often require a subscription or a fee for access.

But the public library might give you free access to the invisible web b/c they either already have a subscription/or they pay the fees required by specialized search engines to access the invisible web, since traditional serach engines (google, etc) only search about 0.2 % of the web (known as the visible web).

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Wanted: Questbusters Newsletters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wanted: Questbusters Newsletters   Wanted: Questbusters Newsletters EmptySun Dec 09, 2012 3:54 pm

AlienBZ, thanks for all the pennies -- in the end they all advance our knowledge of (the existence of) these newsletters and adventure games in general. Actually the second link seems to provide a more or less full library of QB so at least digital versions are now well at hand. I've been talking to Sensuari a couple of times but I recall him saying that there are not too many loose ones around.

I'll do that download-print project one day, as for me there's no difference. But because of the copyrights I cannot build the database of those (to be shared with students / colleagues), for which I'll consider this search for the originals still active..
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Wanted: Questbusters Newsletters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wanted: Questbusters Newsletters   Wanted: Questbusters Newsletters EmptySun Dec 09, 2012 6:21 pm

Gee, I thought you wanted the physical collection for your own personal keepsake.
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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Wanted: Questbusters Newsletters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wanted: Questbusters Newsletters   Wanted: Questbusters Newsletters EmptySun Dec 09, 2012 6:39 pm

Well, if I ever get a chance, I'll certainly include a set of originals for personal keepsake as well Smile
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Wanted: Questbusters Newsletters Empty
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