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 Pixel Trip Studios - The Breakout

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Pixel Trip Studios - The Breakout Empty
PostSubject: Pixel Trip Studios - The Breakout   Pixel Trip Studios - The Breakout EmptySun Apr 27, 2014 2:05 pm

Adam, from Pixel Trip Studios, contacted me this week. I hope this heads-up is to your satisfaction Adam.


"Hi there

Firstly i wanted to say how much I enjoyed your site, its a great resource and the best one I have found on adventure gaming by far!

I wanted to point you in the direction of our first indie title 'The Breakout' where you have to escape from a POW camp during WW2.

It is currently on Kickstarter:

The Breakout

We started Pixel Trip Studios last year with the goal to tell great stories through games that really engage the audience and get them to connect and care about the characters. We pay homage to the classic 90's era, but with a modern filmic approach and an atmospheric soundtrack.

I have included a link to our website, where you can find more info about us.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Pixel Trip Studios - The Breakout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pixel Trip Studios - The Breakout   Pixel Trip Studios - The Breakout EmptyMon Apr 28, 2014 1:46 am

This game has potential. I checked out the kickstarter page, I hope they meet their stated financial goal. Only two weeks to go to meet it. I like the art style.
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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Pixel Trip Studios - The Breakout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pixel Trip Studios - The Breakout   Pixel Trip Studios - The Breakout EmptyMon May 12, 2014 7:05 pm

I'm playing the demo for The Breakout, 200 meg (900 meg extracted) - wow..
I'm always surprised by the high level of professionalism of games these days.

I agree with Mr. Lakerz - great parralax effects and art work.
Even the screen size is unique - sort of a wide-screen effect, reminds me of CinemaScope films.
This is 1st demo from KickStarter I've played. Your development team roster - sounds like allstars with unique abilities - it shows.

I read the KickStarter page - I don't understand the financials but everyone loves the game.
Sounds like the process is - all or nothing. but I could be wrong about that.

I'm at a loss for words because I know it's extremely difficult to create puzzles that clever.
and to take the emotional risks involved in game development. I'm sure other developer/members
here at adventure point know that game development can be emotionally risky - even if the game is Superior Quality.
People who have no interest in WW2 will still love this one.

best of luck
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Location : Los Angeles, CA

Pixel Trip Studios - The Breakout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pixel Trip Studios - The Breakout   Pixel Trip Studios - The Breakout EmptySun May 18, 2014 2:05 am

Sadly, they did not reach their financial goal with the kickstarter campaign. A lot of interesting projects are withering on the vine these days. It's hopeful though that they can find another way of getting this game developed.
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Pixel Trip Studios - The Breakout Empty
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