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 Questerium: Sinister Trinity mini-review

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Questerium: Sinister Trinity mini-review Empty
PostSubject: Questerium: Sinister Trinity mini-review   Questerium: Sinister Trinity mini-review EmptyMon Sep 01, 2014 1:19 am

Arghhh!! I had written out a very lengthy (as it was) review of this game, and I hit 'send' and got an error message, and the whole post was gone. I wonder if it was because the post was too long? Serves me right for not saving it first as a text document or something!

I will just say for those who like adventure-lite type hidden object games, this one was rather interesting and fun to play through. Sorry, just don't have the strength in my typing fingers to re-write all of it, ha ha. Tons of inventory puzzles to figure out in addition to hidden object scenes, plus lots of mini-game puzzles to figure out. Game played well on my newish Win7 PC.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Questerium: Sinister Trinity mini-review Empty
PostSubject: Re: Questerium: Sinister Trinity mini-review   Questerium: Sinister Trinity mini-review EmptyTue Sep 02, 2014 7:14 pm

The same thing happened to me several times too when trying to ppost a review lakerz. What I started doing to avoid the problem was to write my review on wordpad then copy and paste to my post. That way if I ran into an error and it didn't post I still had my review written.

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Questerium: Sinister Trinity mini-review Empty
PostSubject: Re: Questerium: Sinister Trinity mini-review   Questerium: Sinister Trinity mini-review EmptyTue Sep 16, 2014 3:47 am

hatshepsut - you are totally right! I wish I had taken more caution, given how long a post it ended up being. Too bad, but lesson learned. I still recommend the game though for those interested. One thing my review mentioned was the website I got it from.

Every once in a while, they offer up a free HOG or adventure-lite game for a 24 hour period. Questerium was one and then a few days ago they offered up another highly rated one called Dreamscapes: The Sandman. I wish I could have posted about that one when it was live. Sadly, the past few days have been extremely busy for me. In any case, that is a good link to bookmark and check daily to see if the latest game is a good one.

Edit: Aha! What was causing my last post to error out was trying to insert a hyperlink to the above page. It keeps saying I don't have the rights to access the page? Very weird. But as soon as I remove the hyperlink, it lets me post. To access the website that offers the free games, google 'gave giveaway of the day'
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Questerium: Sinister Trinity mini-review Empty
PostSubject: Re: Questerium: Sinister Trinity mini-review   Questerium: Sinister Trinity mini-review EmptyWed Sep 17, 2014 6:17 pm

-Well that is strange lakerz. I don't know why it wouldn't let you put a link. I'll see if I can find the answer.

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Questerium: Sinister Trinity mini-review Empty
PostSubject: Re: Questerium: Sinister Trinity mini-review   Questerium: Sinister Trinity mini-review EmptySat Sep 20, 2014 11:32 pm

Did more experimenting. For some reason, this forum gives me an error whenever I try to put in the url for any website, whether it is an active hyperlink or just plain url.
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Questerium: Sinister Trinity mini-review Empty
PostSubject: Re: Questerium: Sinister Trinity mini-review   Questerium: Sinister Trinity mini-review EmptyWed Sep 24, 2014 1:05 am

I noticed that Big Fish Games has Questerium as their daily sale today for $2.99. I think that a good price for this adventure lite game.
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