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 Namariel Legends: The Iron Lord game giveaway of the day

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Namariel Legends: The Iron Lord game giveaway of the day Empty
PostSubject: Namariel Legends: The Iron Lord game giveaway of the day   Namariel Legends: The Iron Lord game giveaway of the day EmptyMon Oct 13, 2014 1:14 am

For those interested in this type of game, the site game giveaway of the day is offering this as a free download for today.

I can't link the url without this post getting an error, but just google game giveaway of the day, and it should be the first link. It is a total legit site, no illegal downloads. They offer free games straight from the developers with their consent, but only for a 24 hour period. Sometimes the game is a HOG, so it is worth checking out every once in a while. I've never had an issue downloading from the website.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Namariel Legends: The Iron Lord game giveaway of the day Empty
PostSubject: Re: Namariel Legends: The Iron Lord game giveaway of the day   Namariel Legends: The Iron Lord game giveaway of the day EmptyTue Oct 14, 2014 1:55 am

Thanks for letting us know lakerz

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Namariel Legends: The Iron Lord game giveaway of the day
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