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 Anybody playing TM games?

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Anybody playing TM games? Empty
PostSubject: Anybody playing TM games?   Anybody playing TM games? EmptyThu Nov 20, 2014 11:49 pm

I'm in the middle of a TM (Time Management) game that I'm finding to be a rather fun game ... and I'm not a great fan of this type of game as a rule. It's Rescue Team 4 and one has to rescue people and animals, so far only cats and dogs but who knows what will happen next. There are buildings to be built, fires to put out, boats and helicopters needed for rescues, obstacles to be overcome ... it do keep one busy! I am playing it in the easy mode: no timer.
I never played the first 3 Rescue Team games so I can't compare them.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Anybody playing TM games? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody playing TM games?   Anybody playing TM games? EmptyFri Nov 21, 2014 3:43 pm

I play TM games. I really enjoy them. I've only played the demo for Rescue Team 4 so far but I have played the first 3 games. As far as I can tell from the demo it is bascically the same as the first 3. They were all fun and I enjoyed them all.
Enjoy the game Smile

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Anybody playing TM games? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody playing TM games?   Anybody playing TM games? EmptySun Nov 23, 2014 12:45 am

TM games are not my cup of tea, but from seeing all the 4 and 5 star reviews on Big Fish, they must have a decent sized fan base. There might be a few of them that interest me, seems like some of them combine TM with a dose of adventuring and puzzle solving and have a decent story to back the game up chapter by chapter.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Anybody playing TM games? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody playing TM games?   Anybody playing TM games? EmptyMon Nov 24, 2014 4:40 pm

Yes quite a few of the TM games have adventure, puzzles and a decent story. Some of the puzzles are hard and take awhile to figure out.

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Anybody playing TM games? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody playing TM games?   Anybody playing TM games? EmptyMon Nov 24, 2014 8:17 pm

I finally finished Rescue Team 4 and quite enjoyed it and maybe, best of all, it ended before I got tired of it! There were 63 levels. Some were fairly easy, some were quite tricky, a few were very hard and I had to do them over and over before I was able to go to the next level. And there was one level where I was completely stumped and had to go for help, or it would have been "game over" for me.
All in all, a great game and now I would like to find another one. Hmm, I think I'm hooked.
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Anybody playing TM games? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody playing TM games?   Anybody playing TM games? EmptyTue Nov 25, 2014 10:56 pm

Suddenly, I know I'm hooked on TM games ... I have spent hours checking out the list of Time Management games at BFG trying to find the "good" ones, that is the games with no timer in a relaxed mode. I like to take my time and I'm not interested in getting stars or trophies or any extras. All I want is to be able to finish the level and move forward in a game. It was hard to find, but I actually came across a game that has a choice: Northern Tale 4. It has nice graphics and the gameplay is fun, with cute little Vikings running around getting the resources and whatever else needs doing. I'm not too sure that I understand everything yet, only played 3 levels so far.
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Anybody playing TM games? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody playing TM games?   Anybody playing TM games? EmptyMon Dec 08, 2014 6:27 am

It's always nice to discover a new game genre that draws you in. Seems like Big Fish have a lot of TM games that are rated highly. Just try to make time for some HOG and adventure lite games as well. You are one of the few people to share discussions with them here. Very Happy
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Anybody playing TM games? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody playing TM games?   Anybody playing TM games? EmptyWed Jun 10, 2015 5:52 pm

I'm back to playing another Viking TM game. This time it's Viking Saga: New World. I started it last month and so far I am enjoying it, but playing slowly as I want it to last until I line up another promising game, which so far hasn't surfaced.
I'm once again playing an untimed game and getting all three stars when finishing a level, and it's fun to see how the Vikings react when the level is finally completed.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Anybody playing TM games? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody playing TM games?   Anybody playing TM games? EmptyMon Jun 15, 2015 6:18 am

I love the Viking games and replay all of them from time to time. They are funny when you win the level

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Anybody playing TM games? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody playing TM games?   Anybody playing TM games? EmptyMon Jun 15, 2015 6:05 pm

Oh my, those Vikings are cute but that doesn't mean "easy" even in untimed play. I just finished a level that almost wore me out as there was so much to do. There was a raging forest fire burning trees and tents and the Vikings had their hands full trying to put it out. Plus getting the necessary resources when everything was burning around them. And I'm only halfway through the game, wonder what will come next?
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Anybody playing TM games? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody playing TM games?   Anybody playing TM games? EmptySun Nov 08, 2015 10:22 pm

Update: I never did finish Viking Saga: New World, too many fires, too much for me, only made it as far as level 30, according to my notes. Now I'm playing Northern Tale 3 and have just finished level 23. However, I see that there is now a Rescue Team 5 game that is out and I'm really eager to play it as Rescue Team 4 was so much fun.

Last edited by mindysue on Sun Nov 08, 2015 10:25 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spelling error!)
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Anybody playing TM games? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody playing TM games?   Anybody playing TM games? EmptyTue Nov 17, 2015 9:23 pm

Finished playing Nothern Tale 3 and gee, it was a lot of fun, for me anyway. In this game there weren't too many fires and since I'm playing in relaxed mode, I could take my time to put them out. There was a well and the Viking had to fill a bucket with water first, and then go to the fire and throw the water on it. He was so cute! I would stop playing just to watch him. The rest of the game was its usual Viking fun, so this was an added bit of action.
Now, I've started playing Rescue Team 5 and so far, so good.
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Anybody playing TM games? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody playing TM games?   Anybody playing TM games? EmptyWed Dec 02, 2015 8:10 pm

Still looking, sort of hopelessly, I admit, for gamers playing TM games!

Just started playing Weather Lord: Following the Princess ... anyone playing it, or one of the earlier games? This is my first time with this series, and so far, it seems to be okay, but I'm still learning my way around. Have only finished 2 levels.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Anybody playing TM games? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody playing TM games?   Anybody playing TM games? EmptyWed Dec 16, 2015 8:57 pm

I tried the demo for the first Weather Lord. I just couldn't figure it out so I didn't try any of the others.
I just tried the demo for the Great Wall of China 2 and Rescue Team 5. Really enjoyed them and I'll be getting them.
I played the first Great Wall of China. O really enjoyed it very much.
I wish they would come out with another Viking game.
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Anybody playing TM games? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody playing TM games?   Anybody playing TM games? EmptyThu Dec 17, 2015 5:41 pm

I played Rescue Team 5 last month and "Liked it lots!" according to my brief note on the game.

Just finished playing Building the Great Wall of China 2 and I thought it was an interesting game, but towards the end I was getting a bit tired of it. Which means that I got my money's worth and can't complain about it being too short, right?

As for Weather Lord: Following the Princess I was so totally enjoying the game until Level 10 where I lost it, just couldn't figure out how to stop a thunderstorm which kept me from being able to do anything else. I tried all the weather systems on it, but nothing worked, not sure what I was doing wrong. Up to that point it was a great game and I was sorry when I finally gave up on it.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Anybody playing TM games? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody playing TM games?   Anybody playing TM games? EmptyThu Dec 24, 2015 3:34 am

I played the first Great Wall of China and really liked it.
I just played the demo for Count Dracula Chasing Love. I really liked it.

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Anybody playing TM games? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody playing TM games?   Anybody playing TM games? EmptySat Jan 30, 2016 7:44 pm

I wonder if Count Dracula Chasing Love is a Time Management game, couldn't find it in the list of TM games at BFG.

I'm now playing Roads of Rome: New Generation in the relaxed mode and finding it to be entertaining enough, but I can never find the 3 secrets in the game. I did find one secret in one level and two in another level but that's it. I keep hunting, and can take my time, but still no luck. However, those are extras and don't stop one from moving on in the game, just as well.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Anybody playing TM games? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody playing TM games?   Anybody playing TM games? EmptyFri Feb 12, 2016 2:26 am

I never can find all the secrets either. I really liked all of The Roads to Rome games
Yes Count Dracula Chasing Love is a time management game

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Anybody playing TM games? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody playing TM games?   Anybody playing TM games? EmptyFri Feb 12, 2016 6:07 pm

Hmm, I'm finding it hard to picture Count Dracula in a TM scene ... most games that I've played are about gathering resources, not chasing around looking for love, kinda like Leisure Suit Larry of olden times. Of course, the food resource could be blood, I suppose, but the rest?
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Anybody playing TM games? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody playing TM games?   Anybody playing TM games? EmptyFri Feb 12, 2016 11:35 pm

Count Dracula is like the rest of the TH's. You are building and clearing paths etc in order to escape to the next scene

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